Recipe release paragraph of the pill increased thereafter

Recipe release paragraph of the pill increased thereafter / Health News

„Pill afterwards“: Rapid Sales Growth After Recipe Release


Since mid-March, the levy is the „Pill afterwards“ in Germany also possible without a prescription. The pill can be taken after unprotected sex to prevent fertilization. The sales figures have skyrocketed since the recipe approval.

Sales have risen rapidly since receipt of prescription
After the repeal of the prescription requirement is the paragraph of „Pill afterwards“ increased rapidly in Germany. According to a news agency dts news agency reported „Pharmacy Adhoc“, that in the first week after release, almost one-third more packages were given than usual. According to market research firm IMS Health, 13,500 packs were sold during the 12th week of the week „Pill afterwards“ delivered in pharmacies. Extrapolated to the whole month, this corresponds to 54,000 packs. Comparing the figures with those of March 2014, when 41,000 packages were dispensed, this represents an increase of 31 percent.

Manufacturer sees great growth potential
However, the manufacturer HRA Pharma expects lower growth despite the significant increase over the year. According to HRA Germany boss Klaus Czort was to be expected in the starting month of March because of the great public attention more, but the curve would flatten. But he sees growth potential for the future. For example, in Germany there is a need for risk situations - including all types of contraceptive margins and unprotected traffic - of 2.4 million packs per year. With 400,000 packs a year, according to Czort, they are still very far away.

For years controversial discussions
The topic „Pill afterwards“ had led to controversial discussions for years, until Germany was required by EU law to release. Although two active ingredients are now over-the-counter, it has been reported that so far only EllaOne (ulipristal) has been released in self-medication. The „Bavarian Radio“ (BR) had reported on the preparations a few weeks ago. Thus, the sooner the ingestion takes place, the more effective they are. It should also be noted that the effectiveness of the preparations decreases in overweight. So lose the active ingredient Ulipristal from 95 kg body weight its effect, like the „BR“ citing the professional associations of gynecologists reported.

Possible changes and side effects
Also to be considered are possible interactions with other drugs, such as antibiotics, antidepressants, antiepileptics or St. John's wort preparations. It has also been reported that in three out of every 100 women, despite taking the active ingredients, pregnancy has occurred and side effects such as headache, dizziness, pelvic pain, bleeding, nausea and vomiting may occur. If women vomit after ingestion, they will be advised to take repeated doses. Loud „BR“ The price of the pill is between 16 and 18 euros. If there is a prescription, the costs will be borne by the health insurance for young women up to the age of 20 years. (Ad)

> Image: Wilhelmine Wulff