Resveratrol in red wine stops inflammation

Resveratrol in red wine stops inflammation / Health News

Resveratrol in red wine reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease


„Every day a glass of red wine“, is often the reference of doctors to their patients. However, the second glass can then be too much again, because the damaging effect of the alcohol outweighs. Scientists of the Mainz University Medical Center in cooperation with scientists from the University of Jena and the University of Vienna underscore this point with a recent study. The „Natural substance contained in red wine Resveratrol protects against inflammation.“ Just such inflammations can cause cardiovascular disease.

Background of the investigation was the so-called „French paradox“, which means the lower heart disease rate of people in France. This is attributed to the comparatively high red wine consumption of the French population. The study results were published by the scientists in the journal „Nucleic Acids Research“.

Resveratrol from red wine protects against cardiovascular diseases
„In some research projects it could be proven that the natural substance resveratrol contained in red wine has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases, "explains Professor Verena Dirsch from the University of Vienna „“. „But until now it was not clear how exactly the causal relationships are. "Dirsch, Junior Professor Andrea Pautz and Professor Hartmut Kleinert of the Institute of Pharmacology of the Mainz University Medical Center and Professor Oliver Werz of the University of Jena were able to show in a joint research that part of the protective Resveratrol binds to the regulatory protein KSRP, which reduces the stability of messenger RNA (mRNA) for many inflammatory mediators and thus inhibits their formation.

„The interesting approach to this work was that we searched for the unknown target structure with the natural product resveratrol. "Previous research revealed that a functional group on the molecule was not necessary for a particular effect. „We took advantage of that to attach a 'fishing rod' there. The colleagues from Jena then 'fished' the protein KSRP from a cellular protein mixture. "

Resveratrol from red wine has a high therapeutic potential especially in chronic inflammatory diseases with cardiovascular damage
„We now know in more detail how resveratrol inhibits the formation of inflammatory factors that cause cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack. This is an important discovery against the background that recent research has shown that cardiovascular diseases are very much driven by inflammatory processes in the body“, becomes junior professor dr. Andrea Pautz quoted in a statement from the University Medical Center Mainz. Thus, cardiovascular diseases occur more frequently in patients with rheumatism and other chronic inflammatory diseases. Resveratrol thus has a high therapeutic potential, especially in inflammatory diseases associated with severe damage to the cardiovascular system. Regarding a recommendation for „a daily glass of red wine in honor“ As the saying goes, but the researchers held back.

Image: Timo Klostermeier