Resistant germs in Dusseldorf clinic

Resistant germs in Dusseldorf clinic / Health News

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) erupted in a hospital in Dusseldorf


In a Düsseldorf clinic several outbreaks of multi-resistant bacteria had been reported in the past. Now the city has confirmed the existence of dangerous germs. The bacteria are highly dangerous due to their resistance to conventional antibiotic therapy. Which hospital in Dusseldorf is affected, to silent the responsible authorities.

Only two drugs can be used
In a (still unknown) Dusseldorf hospital, the vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) germs have broken out. This has the North Rhine-Westphalian State Center for Health (LZG) opposite the „West German Allgemeine Zeitung“ confirmed in a request. Especially for immunodeficient people, the resistant germs are very dangerous. The patient groups include the elderly, the chronically ill and cancer patients. If the bacteria get into the blood, they can endanger the lives of those affected. The conventional antibiotic drugs can not be prescribed. According to doctors „if at all, only two broad-spectrum antibiotics can be used therapeutically“. In MRSA, in contrast to the AER significantly more antibiotics.

City does not reveal clinic
According to authorities, the bacterial outbreaks in the „second and third quarter of 2013 in a clinic in Dusseldorf“ occurred. At least six patients had been infected and had to be treated. They were housed for treatment in a medical department and in a surgical intensive care unit. On the part of the city one refuses persistently to call the affected clinic. This is supposedly „a trade secret“, otherwise the clinic would face financial damage.
Journalists of the WAZ had determined that two AER germ outbreaks had occurred in Duisburg in 2012 and 2013 as well. At that time, died in the Helios Clinic „St.Johannes“ two patients at the consequences of the infection. Another seven patients fell ill at the time. Both events reported the city's Helios Clinic. Brisant: In one case, the index patient, ie the one who had entered the germ, could not be determined correctly. (Sb)

Image: Sebastian Karkus