Resistant Bacterial Strains - A Growing Deadly Threat
Antibiotics are used in high quantities worldwide. Thus it is not surprising that more and more bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Especially in the husbandry of livestock, this could lead to great problems, because the pathogens of diseases in such animals are becoming increasingly resistant to the drugs. If such resistant bacteria then hit humans, it can become a deadly threat.
When livestock are fed with antibiotics, many pathogens and bacteria can build immunity to such drugs. Researchers from the University of Michigan have now found out in an investigation that further use of antibiotics in agriculture is massively contributing to the escalating problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The physicians published their findings in the professional journal "mBio".
Scientists warn that the use of antibiotics in livestock, more and more resistant bacterial strains arise. These could become a serious threat to humanity. (Image: Company V / animals receive too much antibiotics
Farm animals often receive feed that contains antibiotics. This is to prevent the onset of disease and increase growth, say the scientists. Particularly affected by this problem are pigs. By the use of antibiotics there are more and more resistant bacteria. Now the scientists are studying pig farms in China and the US for their study. In both cases, massively resistant pathogens were detected, explain the experts. In the fight against the rise in antibiotic resistance, we must understand that using an antibiotic or antibacterial disinfectant increases the amount of resistant bacteria, explains Professor James Tiedje of the University of Michigan.
Sources of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains are very difficult to determine
Tracking the sources of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains is becoming increasingly difficult due to the widespread use of antibiotics. In addition, the ability of bacteria to transmit traits across generations makes it difficult to track and control these pathogens, says Prof. Tiedje. The researchers acknowledge the need for the use of antibiotics in factory farming. However, this can also cause serious problems, warn the experts. If a disease breaks out on a farm that is near a city, a large number of people may become ill. These diseases could then not be treated with antibiotics, adds Prof. Tiedje.
Multidrug-resistant bacterial strains are a deadly threat to all sufferers
When bacteria undergo antibiotic treatment, some of the bacteria can survive, develop resistance and then rapidly split and multiply. Thus, they pass the resistance to the drug, explain the authors. This could create a "super-resistant strain of pathogens that shows little or no response to antibiotic treatment," warn the doctors. In America alone, there are at least two million Americans annually infected with a drug-resistant bacterial strain. This causes about 23,000 deaths each year, explain the scientists. (As)