Pensioners take a lot of supplements

Pensioners take a lot of supplements / Health News

Older people in Germany take too many supplements


Older people in Germany increasingly rely on the alleged health-promoting effects of dietary supplements and therefore absorb significantly excessive concentrations of minerals and vitamins. Scientists of the Institute for Epidemiology II at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) have investigated according to their own information, „How often do older people eat supplementary nutrients, so-called supplements, and which ingredients are used in which doses.“ The results of the research team around Sigrid Schwab, Dr. med. Barbara Thorand and Professor Annette Peters were in the journal „The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging“ released.

As a basis for their investigation, the scientists used the data from the so-called KORA-Age study, which „investigated the relationship between lifestyle factors and the state of health of persons aged 65 and over in the Augsburg area“, reports the Helmholtz Zentrum München. The analyzes showed that around 54 percent of women and 34 percent of men over the age of 64 years „Supplementary nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, or other substances (for example omega-3 fatty acids or coenzyme Q10) in the form of supplements (dietary supplements or pharmaceuticals)“ according to the HMGU communication. Not infrequently, according to the researchers, the tolerable daily maximum levels specified by the European Food Safety Authority are exceeded. In particular, the intake of magnesium and vitamin E is often much too high.

Too high a concentration of vitamin E and magnesium
The data showed that the most frequently supplemented ingredients in women were magnesium and vitamin D, while men preferred to take magnesium and vitamin E.. „For both sexes, it has been observed that the doses of magnesium and vitamin E administered frequently exceed the tolerable daily maximum levels“, reports the HMGU. For example, 20 percent of women who regularly take magnesium have significantly increased their body's levels. This was the case for men for 33 percent of the participants. Excessive levels of vitamin E were consumed by eight percent of women or 14 percent of men who ingested the appropriate supplements. The frequency of use was also related to the „Education, physical activity, smoking behavior and the presence of a neurological disorder“, reports the HMGU.

Lack of scientific basis for taking supplements
The Director of the Institute for Epidemiology II at the HMGU, Professor dr. Annette Peters, explained that so far „current and population-based data on the use of supplements in the elderly“ Europe is largely absent, but due to age-related nutrient deficiencies, this population is of particular interest in terms of dietary supplementation. So far, there is often an intake without a sound scientific basis. „A great influence in the selection of preparations seems to have industry and advertising“, stressed Peters. The results of the current study and further research are important here in order to make meaningful recommendations for dietary supplementation in old age.

Improved information on dietary supplements required
The researchers not only found that many older people ingest too much magnesium and vitamin E, but also that „Vitamin D, whose supplementation is often recommended medically in this age group, as it positively influences, among other things, bone metabolism, is generally taken by relatively few elderly people“ becomes. Therefore, it seems all the more important to provide a clear scientific basis for the intake of dietary supplements. Especially as in recent years, the supply of dietary supplements with supposedly promising effect has increased significantly, as more and more manufacturers have discovered this quite lucrative business field for themselves. Improved assistance to consumers or patients in the form of reliable information and advice from doctors seems to be urgently needed. (Fp)