Renaissance of the measles in Germany

Renaissance of the measles in Germany / Health News

Increased spread of measles in Germany


Measles are a disease that should not be underestimated, which is currently experiencing a renaissance due to the lack of vaccine protection in Germany. The spread of measles viruses in the population has risen significantly in Germany since the beginning of the year, the health authorities warned at the beginning of May.

The Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) was also concerned about the increasing spread of measles virus in the unprotected population and called for an improvement of vaccination protection, not only for children but also for adults - especially for doctors, clinics, nursing staff. and community facilities. The widespread rejection of vaccinations in the population is, according to the experts, a reason for the renewed spread of the measles pathogens in Germany.

Rejection of vaccinations Reason for the spread of measles
Especially in Baden-Württemberg and in the Munich area, measles infections have increased in recent months. In view of the spread of measles virus, the health authorities were alarmed and impressively warned about the health risks of measles. Also in the media, the topic hit relatively high waves and so reported „Sü“ Currently, about 20 percent of measles patients face potentially life-threatening complications such as pneumonia, and one in every 1,000 people even has meningitis. Very rare cases include severe brain inflammation (SSPE) years after the measles disease, so the warning on the online portal. In the population today, the disease is often underestimated, otherwise, the low vaccine quotas can not be explained. Similar to the tenor in the mainstream media sees the „Southgerman newspaper“ in the rejection of measles vaccinations an unacceptable health risk that „superficial knowledge“, „prejudices“ and „Myths“ is shaped. As elsewhere, prevention by means of a vaccine at the age of two and a second vaccine is propagated a few weeks later as long-term protection, which carries little risk. The skeptical attitude of the vaccination opponents encounters massive rejection.

Feared side effects of measles vaccinations
However, the feared side effects, the most commonly used as a combination of measles, mumps and rubella or measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox vaccines, however, may cause side effects that make a critical inquiries quite justified. Thus, in addition to the symptoms of fever, headache and tiredness, which may also be inherent in the disease, local pain, swelling and redness may occasionally occur at the site of the injection. Occasionally sufferers also suffer from severe vaccine complications, such as allergic reactions, brain inflammation or a drop in platelet count. For vaccination critics reason enough to judge the measles vaccinations rather negative. However, the risks of the disease should not be disregarded and the frequency of the threatening side effects should be taken into account when weighing up. A fundamental rejection of the measles vaccine seems as questionable as the general acceptance assumed by the health authorities. (Fp)

Also read about measles:
Germany as a measles exporter
First death toll from measles for years
WHO: Measles Increase in Europe
Measles also affects adults
The infectious disease measles spreads
Impfkritik: How useful are vaccinations?
The measles are raging in Baden-Württemberg

Picture credits: Thomas Siepmann