Relaxing & Exploding What is compensation?

Relaxing & Exploding What is compensation? / Health News

After strenuous jobs, relax in the evening or work out


If you have a busy job, you need a balance in the evening. Whether relaxation or spitting out during sports is the right way to reduce stress, everyone has to decide for themselves. The news agency „dpa“ spoke with the chairman of the German Wellness Association. Lutz Hertel, on suitable measures and exercises.

Relaxing on the sofa is often too little to compensate for the stressful job
When the boss pushes because the pile of files pile up on the desk, many workers yearn for work in the morning. When it finally happens, a traffic jam and aggressive motorists often spoil the first few minutes or even hours, during which you should actually recover from the exhausting workday. At home, the question arises of a suitable balance. Relax on the couch or work out in the gym?

Hertel advises in principle to a counter-program to the day's events. However, relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV is not suitable for many people to compensate. „Only with relaxation you will not be happy in the long run anyway“, explains the wellness expert. „Some people are physically exhausted in the evening due to heavy muscular work. For her the couch is a good resort.“ In addition, light, balancing exercises such as yoga, tai chi or a warm bath in the tub are often helpful.

Mental relaxation and physical exhaustion
The advantage of exercise systems such as yoga or tai chi is that on the one hand the body is moved and trained, on the other hand, but also the mind comes to rest and the tension of the day drops. Even regular meditation can provide balance and inner peace. People who are suffering from very strong tension, but should also put on sports.

„But if you build up a lot of stress during the day, you have to move in order to reduce this stress energy that otherwise attacks the body“, emphasizes Hertel. He advises sufferers to endurance sports. These should be operated without competition thoughts, because to want to win against yourself or a counterparty, cause new stress. (Ag)

Picture: Tim Reckmann