Record for infections with Hanta virus

Record for infections with Hanta virus / Health News

Robert Koch Institute: More and more infections due to Hanta virus


According to statistics from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of Hanta virus infections in the first half of this year has already reached record levels. With 965 reported cases, the number of infections in the same period has never been so high since the introduction of the obligation to register in 2001. According to the RKI, the most vulnerable are men who fall ill about twice as often as women. Children are rarely affected by the infectious disease.

Baden-Württemberg is particularly affected by the Hanta virus
As the RKI announced, most infections with hantaviruses occur in Baden-Württemberg. Around two-thirds of all reported cases of illness, which corresponds to 696 registered illnesses, occurred in Baden-Württemberg. But in some other federal states, the numbers of infections have skyrocketed. Reinhard Burger, President of the RKI, told the news agency "dapd" that the risk of infection in spring and summer is generally higher: "Then the rodents, who transmit the virus to humans via their excretions, become active, and people stick to it also increased outside. "

In general, a Hanta virus infection is similar to a flu. The incubation period is between 12 to 21 days. When the disease has broken out, it usually shows symptoms, including very high fever, headache, back pain, abdominal pain, and minor bleeding (petechiae). In severe disease, decreased urinary excretion (oliguria) can occur with "arterial hypertension", which can lead to failure of one or both kidneys. In some rare cases, pulmonary edema may develop. If there are signs of the symptoms described, a doctor should be consulted immediately. In about 50 percent of reported Hanta virus infections hospitalization is inevitable.

The Hanta virus got its name from a river (Hanta River) in Korea. The virus became known worldwide after thousands of UN soldiers became infected with it during the Korean War in the 1950s. Meanwhile, the virus occurs worldwide.

The Hanta virus is spread by red chickens. The pathogen is in their saliva, urine or feces. Usually it comes to the infection, if the man inhaled pathogen-containing dust. This year there are a particularly large number of red chickens due to the abundant supply of their main food source, the beechnuts, last fall. Areas that have a high proportion of beech forest are therefore particularly affected by infections.

Berlin, Brandenburg and Hamburg have so far been spared the Hanta virus
In addition to Baden-Württemberg, 73 Hanta virus cases were recorded in Bavaria, 73 in North Rhine-Westphalia, 42 in Lower Saxony and 32 in Hesse. Apart from Hamburg, Berlin and Brandenburg, which according to official figures so far remained spared, Hanta virus infections also occurred in all other federal states.

In the years 2007 and 2010 it came to the outbreak of the disease. At that time, much more cases of illness were registered as today. At that time 562 infections were registered during the first five months and 3 years later 846 Hanta virus cases. More than 50 percent of those affected lived in Baden-Württemberg.

Among other things, there is an increased risk of infection in activities such as the re-stacking of wood stacks, as well as in cleaning, cleaning up in garages, in attics, in cellars, as well as in sheds and garden sheds. If the rodents occur in the immediate living environment, they should be fought by a professional. For safety, no food and its remains should be lying around but stowed well. Certain occupational groups, such as employees in agriculture, forestry and construction, are at an increased risk of contracting the Hanta virus infection. Experts advise against cleaning to moisten the dust to bind it. In addition, the surfaces should be sprayed with a disinfectant. Dust masks should also be worn. (Ag)

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Hantavirus infections in Baden-Württemberg
Increase in hantavirus infections