Travel Tips Senior citizens pack medicines better in your hand luggage

Travel Tips Senior citizens pack medicines better in your hand luggage / Health News
Travel Tips for Vacation: Senior citizens pack medicines better in your hand luggage
Finally, the holiday season has begun: More and more Germans are making their way to the south. But it is no longer just young people who want to get to know foreign cultures and countries. Even seniors are avid travelers. Older people should keep an eye on their health.

Explore foreign countries as you age
It is no longer just young people who make their way to distant lands during the holiday season. Seniors today are mentally fitter and physically more active than before. Therefore, age hardly plays a role if you get to know new cultures on vacation, explore foreign places or just relax. The managing board of the German Senior League, Erhard Hackler, said according to a message from the news agency dpa: "Everyone can actually travel these days." However, there are a few points to consider for older people both before departure and on the road.

(Jürgen Fälchle-fotolia)

Not every destination is suitable for everyone
That starts when it comes to choosing the destination. People with circulatory problems, for example, should not choose a destination high in the mountains. On the other hand, airy heights are recommended for allergy sufferers. A destination by the sea is equally well suited. "If in doubt, you should ask your doctor," said Hackler. In addition, you should always know well in advance, as the weather is at the destination at the respective travel time. Especially in tropical countries, the rainy season or the extremely dry months can spoil your holiday. People whose mobility is limited and need, for example, a walker are best advised to book a barrier-free accommodation.

Medicines for air travel in hand luggage
When traveling by plane, especially older people should take precautions against thrombosis prophylaxis. A graft forming in the blood can be life-threatening. Preventive measures such as wearing compression stockings or blood thinning medication should be discussed with a doctor. When traveling by air, it should also be noted that especially cold-sensitive medicines are better packed in the hand luggage. In the cargo hold, it can sometimes be very cold, as the Apothekerkammer Hamburg explained in the dpa message. Insulin, for example, crystallizes at zero degrees and thus loses its effect. Furthermore, it may be that luggage is lost. Therefore, you should always have the necessary medication for a few days on hand in your carry-on luggage. If possible, according to Hackler, you should take the required medicines in liquid form so that you do not have to rely on a glass of water when taking it. Once you arrive at the sunny resort, you need to protect your medication from the heat, such as storing it in shady places or, if necessary, in the fridge. Again, medicines like insulin should not be stored too cold.

Heart patients should discuss vacation plans with their doctor
It is also recommended that patients suffering from heart disease should check with their doctor before going on vacation if they can travel or not. If he has no objections, those affected can ideally be checked through three weeks before the start of their journey. This is what the German Heart Foundation recommends in its free travel set for cardiac patients. In addition, you should take documents such as surgical reports or leaflets of necessary medication. To be clarified in advance is your own health insurance abroad. The corresponding documents should also be in the luggage. It should be noted that treatments abroad often have to be paid in cash, so appropriate financial arrangements must be made. Travelers are usually also recommended a return policy and travel cancellation insurance, with experts in the past have pointed out, not complete the various travel insurance as a package. (Ad)