Traveling diarrhea is uncomfortable but very treatable

Traveling diarrhea is uncomfortable but very treatable / Health News
Vacation time: Traveling diarrhea is unpleasant but usually harmless
The summer months are the main holiday season for many Germans. When finally the long-awaited journey can be started, illnesses are often thwarted. Especially in tropical countries, many suffer from diarrhea. This is not pleasant, but in most cases harmless.

Traveling diarrhea in tropical regions
The long-awaited holiday is often accompanied by unpleasant health problems. For example, traveler's diarrhea often occurs when traveling to tropical regions. The good news: In most cases, this diarrhea is harmless. But not always! Typical traveler's diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella but also by viruses. Such pathogens are mainly transmitted from the excretions of infected people or animals to food and passed on during preparation.

Most home remedies are sufficient for travelers with diarrhea. (Image: pathdoc / fotolia)

For prolonged diarrhea to the doctor
Traveling diarrhea is not pleasant, but usually harmless and after only a few days over again. The gastro-league pointed this out in a message from the dpa news agency. However, especially children and seniors who suffer from the symptoms for more than two to three days, should go to the doctor, as the loss of fluid can be critical and, among other things, can lead to internal dehydration. Medical advice is also required if mucus or blood is contained in the stool.

Beware of food and drinks
Some infectious diseases that lead to diarrhea, can be done already in the home country something. For example, it is advised that you should get vaccinated before traveling in typhoid areas. In order to protect yourself from travel diarrhea, it is best to take water and other drinks only from original sealed bottles or boiled in each of the countries visited. In addition, ingredients for the food should be peeled just before, then freshly cooked, cooked or -gebraten and be hot. Health experts also recommend avoiding ice cubes and raw foods like salads or seafood. Another important preventive measure is regular and thorough hand washing. (Ad)