Prevent travel sickness in children through simple tricks

Prevent travel sickness in children through simple tricks / Health News
Traveling sickness in children can often be avoided with the help of simple measures
Many children suffer from prolonged travel by car, train, plane or ship under so-called Reisebefelkeit. For the affected children, the start of the holidays can be a considerable burden, but also for the parents, the planning of the arrival and departure made due to the travel sickness sometimes difficult. However, some simple tricks can help to prevent nausea, reports the news agency "dpa", citing the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ).

Children should not play with their smartphone or tablet to avoid travel sickness while driving. (Image: photophonie /

Especially children between the ages of two and twelve, according to the experts, are increasingly suffering from travel sickness. To avoid them as much as possible, it is important to take your head up and look out for the road or the surrounding area. Children should not read while driving or deal with similar things, such as watching a movie or playing on the smartphone, because this leads to contradictory sensory stimuli, reports the BVJK. Although the inner ear registers the movement, but the eyes and nerves would signal standstill. This favors the onset of nausea. Instead, the kids should focus on more distant things, experts suggest. In addition, fresh air can be helpful.

To be on the safe side, pack a bag
To avoid travel sickness, the BVKJ further advises to consume only light meals before and during long journeys. Greasy and spicy food should be avoided. In the event that the travel sickness still strikes, the parents should pack a bag as a precaution. If the child feels sick, a break should be taken when driving, during which the children take a few steps in the fresh air or lie down quietly with their eyes closed. In addition, a cool cloth on the forehead can help, reports the "dpa", citing the professional association of paediatricians.

Proper choice of place helps to avoid nausea
When traveling by plane, train, boat or bus, the BVKJ recommends selecting the seat so that the movements are as little as possible. Children should therefore sit in the bus best in the front, on the ship in the middle and near the water surface and in the airplane in the area of ​​the wings, so the announcement of the "dpa". In the train, a seat in the direction of travel in one of the front wagon and the window is recommended. However, pediatricians would only recommend the usual medicines for traveling sickness in exceptional cases. (Fp)