Cook rice with the stock and vinegar spicy

Cook rice with the stock and vinegar spicy / Health News

Healthy Diet: Cook rice with ground and vinegar spicy


For many people worldwide, rice is the most important staple food. Noodles and potatoes are more prevalent in the local kitchen, but rice is also often used for delicious dishes here in Germany. To bring variety, you can also cook spicy with Fond and vinegar.

Rice contains important vitamins and fiber
Rice is considered healthy. It contains important amino acids, vitamins and fiber. It is also suitable because of its poverty in sodium to drain the body in case of obesity or obesity and hypertension. Grain is a staple food for many people worldwide. Although more potatoes or noodles are used in the kitchen in this country, rice also gains in importance in the domestic kitchen. Most people in Germany prepare rice in the traditional way: pot on, pure water, lightly salt, cook, add rice. To bring variety, you can rice but also spicy with Fond and vinegar.

Season with a little spicy vinegar
This way you can try spicy creations in a special rice cooker. „In it you can use instead of water also great broth or a special fund - for example, a Dashi fund“, Chef Daniel Achilles from the restaurant explained „Reinstoff“ in Berlin to the news agency dpa. As another tip, the expert reveals that you can taste the rice shortly before the Garpunkt with some seasoning vinegar. Achilles said that those who do not have a rice cooker should cook rice as well as pasta, so with plenty of water. „After pouring then a little more butter, done.“ If you are looking for suggestions for delicious rice dishes, you can find them on websites such as (Ad)

Picture: w.r.wagner