Frictions during puberty are also good signs

Frictions during puberty are also good signs / Health News

In adolescence, adolescents are separated from parents


When adolescents are in puberty, there is often a lot of conflict with their parents. Conflicts occur, for example, in joint family activities. For parents, time is often difficult because they fear losing close contact with their children. But the conflicts are quite normal and can even be rated as a good sign, explains Maria Große Perdekamp of the online consultation of the Federal Conference for Educational Counseling in an interview with the news agency „dpa“.

Quarrels with the parents are part of puberty
She advises affected parents to stay calm and not put pressure on the adolescents. „Behind this is usually the attempt of the children to become independent“, so Perdekamp. Although the children's retreat and conflict behaviors were usually different, parents usually would not have to worry about losing their relationship with their children. Sometimes it helps to connect with the interests and hobbies of the young people. If the pubescent son is interested in football, the parents can watch football with him on television or go to the football stadium. The daughter may be more interested in music or fashion. Also, parents can participate by spending a day shopping together with a teenager or attending a concert. However, according to Big Perdekamp, ​​it is important not to convict oneself convulsively. It's normal for teenagers to spend their time with peers rather than parents. Sometimes, according to the expert, it helps to remember your own puberty. What did you find stupid even then? That creates understanding for the adolescents.

Parents should know: „The delimitation makes it easier for young people when parents show them boundaries“, so great Perdekamp. That's why it's a good sign that teenagers find everything stupid and embarrassing what their parents do. (Ag)

Picture: S. Hofschlaeger