Regional differences in cesarean births

Regional differences in cesarean births / Health News

More and more children in Germany are born by caesarean section, so one of the results of the „Fact check health on the topic Caesarean section“ the Bertelsmann Foundation. The survey published on Tuesday also shows massive regional differences in the frequency of Cesarean sections.


„Nationwide, every third child is now born by caesarean section and the proportion continues to increase“, reports the Bertelsmann Foundation. According to the latest results of the Health Fact Check, almost every second birth in some regions is now a caesarean section. „The frequently cited reasons such as the increasing age of the mothers or the - not verifiable - trend to wish caesarean section seem“ at the increase caesarean sections, however „to play a subordinate role“, This is the rating of the Bertelsmann Stiftung.

No medical reasons for the increase in cesarean births
Mandatory medical reasons for a caesarean section were according to the information of the Bertelsmann Foundation „only in ten percent of all caesarean births.“ In most cases, obstetricians have a margin of discretion which appears to be used very differently from region to region. So be too „in risk situations such as breech presentation, twin birth or a previous caesarean section“ in principle, a natural birth possible. Nevertheless, a caesarean section is very often carried out here, with liability issues also likely to play a role, explained the Bertelsmann Foundation. As fewer and fewer of these high-risk births are performed in the clinics, physicians are often absent today „the experience of more complicated natural births.“ However, the fact check on the C-section had also shown that the medical guidelines often do not provide the doctors with sufficient orientation and that they need to be further developed at this point, according to the Bertelsmann Stiftung communication.

Massive regional differences in cesarean rate
The regional differences in cesarean births recorded in the current evaluation are quite considerable. For example, some regions, such as the city of Dresden (17 percent), have a cesarean rate of well below 20 percent, while in others, such as the city of Landau, a quota of almost 51 percent is reached. In some „Parts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Bavaria and Lower Saxony, the cesarean rate is sometimes well over 40 percent“, While several areas in the new federal states recorded remarkably few caesarean births, the health scientist Prof. Petra Kolip, co-author of the study, emphasized. The experts see the reasons for the regional variations in cesarean births, especially in different risk assessments of obstetricians. According to information from the Bertelsmann Foundation, there are „In Germany apparently no uniform procedure in the decision whether a caesarean section is necessary or not.“ The expectant parents are therefore advised to take this into account and to inform themselves well in advance. Of course, situations can arise in which a caesarean section is inevitable to protect the life of mother and child, but not every imminent complicated birth requires a caesarean section, so the position of the experts. (Fp)

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Every third baby is born by caesarean section
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Every third child is born by caesarean section

Picture credits: mela-b