Government No reduction in cash contributions

Government No reduction in cash contributions / Health News

The Federal Government sees no possibilities to reduce the health insurance contributions due to the planned doctors' law


Although the statutory health insurance is forecasted a billions in surplus, the black-yellow coalition rejects a reduction in contributions. Accordingly, the contribution rate of 15.5 percent should remain unchanged. Health insurance funds and trade unions, on the other hand, demand a relief for employees.

Only at the beginning of the year was the contribution rate increased from 14.6 to 15.5 percent. Since then, the deficit in the health fund seems to have dissolved. Health economists therefore estimate additional revenue in the billions. But despite the surpluses, there is no possibility, according to the Federal Ministry of Health, to lower the regular contribution rate. The health fund needed financial reserves, stressed a ministry spokesman. „At the present time, there is no room for maneuver to reduce the cash contributions“. According to estimates by the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance (GKV), the fund will generate a surplus of around two billion euros by the end of the year.

Supply bill with billions in costs
Federal Health Minister Daniel Bahr (FDP) is planning a new health care structure or medical law. Among other things, the redesign should provide a financial incentive for rural doctors to increase the density of doctors in rural areas. In view of the expected reform costs of around 2.8 billion euros alone for physicians in private practice, health insurance companies are warning of a huge cost explosion for the healthcare system. Just for these measures you have to create a financial cushion, said a spokesman. Already a month ago, contributions have been reduced and discarded relatively quickly. With the then assessment, you remain today.

Double Plus in the health fund
The Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Expects a plus of about two billion euros. The plus comes in addition to the statutory reserves of five billion euros. The currently excellent economy had purged additional funds in the health fund. Unemployment has dropped significantly again last year and gross wages have risen slightly. In order to relieve the employees advocates the Central Association of the GKV a reduction of contributions. The coalition, however, opposes it. In house calculations, it has already been proven that there are no options for lowering.

DGB calls for unilateral contribution reduction
If the regular contributions were lowered, not only employees but also employers would benefit. Because the general contribution rate is frozen since the health care reform. If the health insurance companies need higher financial resources, they must control the revenue side via additional contributions. The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) therefore turned against lowering the rate. Because only employers would benefit from this, because the cash registers anyway soon have to collect additional contributions nationwide, so board member Annelie Buntenbach. “If the employer's contribution is frozen at an even lower level, insured persons would in future have to pay even higher capitation”, said Buntenbach. There is therefore no reason to lower the cash contributions. „After all, the economy is booming.“ Therefore, only a one-sided reduction of the insured contribution makes sense, according to the DGB vice-chairman. Thus, an additional burden could be reduced by the employee special contribution of about 9 billion euros, explained Buntenbach.

20 health insurance threatened by bankruptcy
According to internal calculations, 20 health insurance companies are currently threatened with insolvency. On a rating scale they would be with „red“ The Chief Executive Officer of hkk, Michael Lempe, said “Weser-Kurier”. Lempe urge the Federal Association to publish the list of ailing health insurance companies. A mess, as now at the City BKK should not be repeated. After all, citizens need to know which fund they can trust in the future. The indicator additional contribution is far from sufficient for this, the chief treasurer.

Compared with the news agency dapd the association of the GKV confirmed the traffic light rating system. However, you will not publish specific data because they would be confidential. The early warning system should serve to recognize problems early, so that no „Substantial problem“ arises. If a health insurance company has to file for bankruptcy due to enormous financial difficulties, it must report this to the Federal Insurance Office in good time. Overall, however, the statutory health insurance funds in the current year 2011 are well financed. The overall result, however, is to be distinguished from the individual results of the health insurance companies. These can be good for the individual funds but also bad. (Sb)