Rainforest fruit as a cancer remedy? Cancer cells are killed by the minute

Rainforest fruit as a cancer remedy? Cancer cells are killed by the minute / Health News

Rainforest fruit can kill cancer in minutes

Just three years ago, researchers in Australia discovered a rainforest fruit that killed around 75 percent of cancerous tumors in animal experiments. After only a few minutes, the effect of the fruits could be observed. Since then, researchers are seeking medical benefits from their discovery and hope to develop new approaches to cancer therapy.

Animals spit out kernels of fruit again

As has been announced just over three years ago, Australian scientists have discovered a rainforest fruit that kills about 75 percent of the tumors in animal experiments. The native animals in the north of Australia eat the fruit Fontainea picrosperma, also called Fountains Blushwood, very much. But not their cores, they are spit out again. Therefore, scientists became attentive and examined the fruit a little more closely.

Active ingredients from the seeds of an exotic rainforest fruit can kill cancer cells in minutes. (Image: fotoliaxrender / fotolia.com)

Cores with natural anti-cancer drug

It quickly turned out that the cores contain a natural anti-cancer drug. With the help of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane, the researchers developed the preparation EBC-46. In an eight-year study, the drug was injected into 300 animals, including mice, cats, dogs and horses. According to the information disappeared three quarters of all previously injected tumors and have not come back to this day. Glen Boyle, who led the study at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, commented, "Once we injected the tumors with them, they turned purple in just five minutes, and within two hours they were even darker and black the next day. "

Preparation is limited to certain cancers

The expert continued, "In the next few days, a crust formed and after a week, the tumor fell off. The fact that the preparation must be injected, it is limited to cancers such as breast, colon, prostate and skin cancer or tumors in the head and neck. "However, cancers, which have already spread metastases, untreatable. "Right now, we can only administer the drug as an injection because it kills the tumor cells, cuts off the blood supply to the tumor, and helps to activate the immune system," said Boyle. "Especially because of the latter, we have to administer it locally because otherwise it could have other negative side effects."

Researchers fascinated by rapid speed of the drug

Even stronger than the effect itself, the scientists were fascinated by the rapid rate at which the drug kills the cancer. "Visible changes already occur after five minutes." A conventional tumor treatment usually shows success only after several weeks. After the amazing successes in cancer treatment of animals, clinical studies should also be carried out on humans. The approval of the first phase of clinical trials has already been granted and the drug will now be tested on 10 to 30 volunteers. Overall, these clinical provings, which are divided into four study phases, take about nine years.

Researchers are optimistic

Another group of Australian researchers is currently investigating the Blushwood Tree, the tree where the Fountains Blushwood grows. It is to be clarified, where the plant from the family of the wolf milk plants in the north of Australia actually grows everywhere and whether it is possible to grow these commercially in plantations, in order to receive the new cure. Boyle and Kollgen were optimistic that the "miracle fruit" also affects humans. "The drug may be an additional treatment where other therapies have not helped or in older people who are too weak for further chemotherapy," the researchers said.

Many cancers are preventable

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Many diseases could be avoided. According to the WHO, more than 30 percent of cancer deaths could be prevented by avoiding the main risk factors. In addition to smoking, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, urban air pollution, sexually transmitted HPV infections, as well as obesity and obesity are the main risk factors. (Ad)