Regular drinking of energy drinks may favor drug use later in life

Regular drinking of energy drinks may favor drug use later in life / Health News
Does the consumption of energy drinks lead to drug addiction??
Researchers have now found that young adults who regularly consume high-caffeine energy drinks have an increased likelihood of using cocaine and other stimulants at a later age.

Researchers at the University of Maryland's School of Public Health found in their study that regular drinking of energy drinks in young adults poses an increased risk of cocaine abuse later in life. The experts published a press release on the results of their study.

So-called energy drinks usually contain a lot of caffeine. If young adults regularly consume energy drinks for years, the likelihood of abuse of cocaine and other substances in later life increases. (Image:

Energy drinks can increase the risk of abuse of cocaine and alcohol
For the current study, young adults were medically monitored over a five-year period (21-25 years). Participants who regularly consumed high-caffeine energy drinks increased the risk of using cocaine, psychoactive substances and increased alcohol consumption.

Consumers of energy drinks will take more stimulants later in life
"The findings suggest that energy drinkers are at an increased risk of using other substances, especially for stimulants," said Dr. Amelia Arria.

Researchers studied nearly 1,100 participants for their study
More than half of the 1,099 subjects (51.4 percent) had sustained their consumption of energy drinks over the years. Members of this group used significantly more often stimulants, such as cocaine or other stimulants. In addition, these individuals had an increased risk of heavy drinking at the age of 25 years.

Even occasional consumption can increase the risk
Occasional consumers (17.4 percent) also had an increased risk of using cocaine and other substances compared to people who never consumed energy drinks (20.6 percent). While the biological mechanism that can lead to the use of other stimulants during regular use of energy drinks remains unclear, the results of the study indicate that there is an urgent need to further explore this issue, the researchers say.

Experts: Young people and children should be protected from energy drinks
The research group of Dr. med. Arria had previously studied the health risks that can arise from the consumption of energy drinks. The experts are leaders in their efforts to protect adolescents and children from these risks, which can negatively impact cardiovascular function and even lead to death.

Further research on younger volunteers is needed
"Future studies should focus on younger people, because we know that they too consume energy drinks on a regular basis," explains Drs. Arria in the press release. Now it has to be found out if adolescents are similarly endangered and have an increased likelihood of substance abuse through the use of energy drinks in their later lives, adds the physician. (As)