Regular yogurt can protect against diabetes

Regular yogurt can protect against diabetes / Health News

Regular consumption of yogurt apparently lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes


If you like to eat yoghurt, you may have a positive influence on your digestion. This has been known for some time - but what's new is that the popular dairy product may also help minimize diabetes risk. Scientists at the University of Cambridge have come to this conclusion after comparing the eating habits of later diabetes patients with those of healthy subjects in an investigation.

Yogurt obviously does not only have a positive influence on the intestinal flora
Yogurt is wholesome, easily digestible and has a positive effect on the intestinal flora due to the sour milk bacteria it contains. Therefore, the delicious food, especially for indigestion, for example, as a side effect of antibiotics, help to bring the intestine back into balance. However, yoghurt seems to have a lot more to offer, as scientists at the University of Cambridge in the diabetes journal "Diabetologia" report that the milk product may also significantly reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2. The researchers came to this conclusion after comparing the eating habits of people who later developed diabetes with those of other randomly selected volunteers. Why the consumption of yogurt seems to reduce the risk of becoming diabetic, according to the researchers, but not yet be answered.

28 percent lower risk with an average of 625 grams of yogurt a week
The researchers led by Laura M. O'Connor and Marleen A. H. Lentjes analyzed the eating habits of 753 participants who had self-documented over a period of seven days and who later developed diabetes type 2 diabetes. Afterwards, the experts finally compared the data with the data on the eating habits of 3502 randomly selected volunteers and came to a surprising conclusion: The subjects who consume an average of 625 grams of yoghurt a week had a 28 percent lower risk of diabetes type 2 as the persons who did not eat yogurt.

„Result in particular relevant to public food recommendations“
According to the researchers, however, a precise explanation for this relationship does not exist, and accordingly the study would not provide the scientists with any evidence that yoghurt and other dairy and dairy products alone are responsible for the lower risk of diabetes. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that the food generally has a positive influence on health through ingredients such as vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and probiotic bacteria: „Consumption of larger quantities of low-fat, fermented dairy products - mainly consisting of yoghurt - is associated with a reduced risk of later development of type 2 diabetes. These results suggest that the consumption of specific types of milk may be beneficial for the prevention of diabetes, which is particularly relevant for public food recommendations“, so the researchers in their article. (No)

Image: Medienleiter / markus leiter