Regular interaction with dementia patients significantly improves their quality of life

Regular interaction with dementia patients significantly improves their quality of life / Health News
How does social interaction affect people with dementia??
Many older people in the world suffer from dementia. The disease causes those affected cognitively continue to degrade. Researchers have now found that interacting with people with dementia for just one hour a week can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected. Even simple conversations can help the people suffering from dementia.

Researchers at the University of Exeter, King's College London, and the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust found in their recent research that interacting with people with dementia for just one hour a week leads to these people significantly improves the quality of life. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

At the present time, many people in nursing homes suffer from dementia. Experts noted that social interaction and conversation can help those affected to significantly improve their quality of life. (Image: Ocskay Mark /

Experts are studying more than 800 people with dementia for their study
Dementia disease is associated with the decline in cognitive abilities and significantly affects the daily lives of those affected. Physicians are looking for ways to make life easier for patients and to improve the quality of life for patients. For the current work, the research team analyzed more than 800 people with dementia from over 69 nursing homes in South London, North London and Buckinghamshire.

Nursing home employees have been specially trained
Two of the staff in each house were trained over a period of four days to improve the quality of life of people with dementia through simple measures. These include discussions with residents about their interests, decisions and concerns, the experts explain. In combination with just one hour of social interaction per week, the researchers said the quality of life of the participants improved and reduced agitation.

Well-trained caregivers and social interaction are the key to success
There are about 170 handbooks on the market in the UK, but only four are based on proven effective methods, says author Professor Clive Ballard. The results of the current study show that well-trained staff and one hour of social interaction per week greatly improve the quality of life for people with dementia. Dementia patients are among a group of people who are often forgotten in our society, adds Professor Ballard.

Nursing staff must be trained nationwide
The new treatment approach, according to the experts, is able to significantly improve the lives of people with dementia. The necessary training for nursing staff must now be offered nationwide, so that sufferers can benefit everywhere, says the scientist.

In nursing homes, about 70 percent of people suffer from dementia
About 70 percent of people in nursing homes suffer from dementia. So it's very important that nursing home employees get the right education. Only then can the patients benefit from the good quality of the care, say the doctors. (As)