Regular check-ups - Why U examinations are so important

Regular check-ups - Why U examinations are so important / Health News
U examinations: regularly check the development of the child
Parents should check with their offspring regularly for checkup. In the so-called U-studies mental and motor development of children are examined. This should be possible to detect developmental disorders early.
Regularly for check-up
Unfortunately, only a few months ago it had to be reported that fewer children had been registered for the screening test in recent years. Experts repeatedly point out that parents should go with their offspring regularly to these U-investigations. Doctors examine the mental and motor development of the little ones. As Hermann Josef Kahl, pediatrician from Dusseldorf, said to the news agency dpa, the goal was to detect developmental disorders early.

U-examinations are important to ensure the development of the child. Picture: goodluz - fotolia

Long span between sixth and twelfth year of life
The first examination (U1) takes place immediately after birth, the second (U2) between the third and the tenth day of life. During the first year of life, there are four more investigations. After that follows until the sixth year of life every year another. Then, however, is not studied for a long time: Only between the 12th and 14th year is the next planned (J1). "We think this span is too big," said Kahl, who works for the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) as a federal press spokesman.

Experts recommend supplementary examinations
Therefore, the BVKJ recommends two complementary studies at the age of seven to eight (U10) and nine to ten years (U11). "They make sense because we can detect possible behavioral problems such as ADHD or learning and posture problems early on." However, the costs of these additional examinations are not reimbursed by most health insurers. Although the U-investigations are not a legal obligation in Germany, "some federal states encourage parents, however," explained Kahl. If they are not perceived, the responsible health department or another authority will register the parents. "That can lead to checks at home."

U examinations serve the pure precaution
As Kahl further explained to the dpa, even parents who are skeptical to medical professionals, check their children in the U-investigations, because they serve the pure precaution. "They come to make sure that their child is developing as it should." Only in the summer had many things been re-regulated for children's screening. A new card was introduced at that time from the documentation booklet (yellow booklet), with which parents can prove in their day-care center, school or at the youth welfare office that their child took part in the screening without having to pass on confidential information. (Ad)