Reduced cancer mortality in Germany - but not in these cancers
Colon cancer: Mortality continues to decline - especially in Germany
A study by an international research team showed that cancer mortality in the European Union has declined significantly in recent years. This applies in Germany especially in colorectal cancer. For other cancers, however, the mortality increased.
Cancer mortality is declining
According to a recent study, cancer mortality in the EU has fallen significantly in recent years. As reported by the international research team in the journal "Annals of Oncology", the development is especially beneficial for colon cancer. In this type of cancer, Germany scores particularly well in European comparison. For other cancers, however, the mortality has increased.
The cancer mortality rate in the EU has declined significantly in recent years. This applies in Germany especially in colorectal cancer. The early detection has contributed significantly to the reduction of the cases. (Image: Wolfilser / trend not in all cancers
Just a few weeks ago, scientists published Claudia Allemani from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) found that more and more people are surviving cancer.
A research team led by Carlo La Vecchia, a professor at the medical faculty of the University of Milan (Italy), has also come to a conclusion in a study that deaths from cancer - especially from colon cancer - are on the decline in Europe.
But while this trend is positive for men for all cancers studied, women are now more likely to die from lung and pancreatic cancer.
Great success story
Since 2011, the team around Carlo La Vecchia published data on cancer mortality, each with a focus on a specific type of tumor. This year, scientists have focused on colorectal cancer.
"The decline in colorectal cancer deaths in Europe is a great success story," states a statement from the European Society of Medical Oncology, published in the journal "EurekAlert!".
According to WHO predictions on mortality based on WHO figures since 1970 and recent trends, it is estimated that nearly 1.4 million people will die from cancer in the EU in 2018.
In 2012, the number was only 1.3 million, but the population is now generally older. Taking this fact into account, the mortality rate for men between 2012 and 2018 fell by just over ten and in women by five percent.
The number of deaths from colorectal cancer will continue to decline
In colon cancer, the positive trend is particularly clear. Although the absolute number of fatalities increased because of the higher number of elderly people, mortality since 2012 fell by 6.7 percent in men and 7.5 percent in women.
According to reports, just under 16 of every 100,000 men and a good nine out of every 100,000 women die of colorectal cancer each year.
But the number of deaths from colorectal cancer will probably continue to fall, according to the researchers:
"The decline in mortality we forecast for 2018 is one of the key success stories in clinical oncology. This improvement in mortality rates in Europe is not a single major breakthrough and is due to improved diagnosis and treatment of the disease," said Carlo La Vecchia.
Better early detection
"Factors that increase the risk of colon cancer are tobacco, alcohol, obesity, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet," the study author continued.
According to medical experts, a healthier lifestyle can significantly reduce your personal cancer risk.
According to the expert, among other things, the "use of aspirin, mainly for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, as well as an effective screening" has contributed to a reduction in the incidence rates.
"The availability of colonoscopy to study bleeding and other early symptoms has improved early diagnosis across Europe," said La Vecchia.
Pancreatic cancer and lung cancer in women
As the study showed, Germany performs particularly well in colorectal cancer among the six most populous EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom).
According to the information, the development since 2012 is the cheapest. According to the study, mortality fell by over 14 in men and by 15 percent in women.
The highest mortality in the EU, according to prognosis, is lung cancer, with 32 out of 100,000 men and 15 out of 100,000 women.
In conclusion, the study authors write that they expect a further decline in cancer mortality rates in the EU and its major countries. "Exceptions are pancreatic cancer and lung cancer in women." (Ad)