Return of the venereal disease syphilis
Experts warn of rising numbers of sexually transmitted diseases
Across Europe, the number of infections with sexually transmitted diseases is increasing. However, experts warn against restrictions for prostitutes. These could aggravate the problem even more because those affected would be pushed underground. At a conference of the German Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (DSTIG) in Cologne, health experts are currently discussing possible solutions.
Restrictions on prostitutes and penalties for suitors would only exacerbate the problem
„It is always the sexual activity and the lack of protective measures, such as the condom, which increases the risk of infection, "said the President of the German Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (DSTIG), Norbert H. Brockmeyer, at a conference to the news agency „dpa“. The scientist warns against enforcing restrictions on sex workers and prosecuting freelancers. „Everything that works against liberalization in the field of prostitution will significantly worsen the situation. So they send the people underground. "
Brockmeyer, an expert on venereal diseases at the University Skin Clinic Bochum, is in favor of an unbiased and non-discriminatory treatment of sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases. „If we want to learn about HIV prevention, then we see that all states that have tried to stem HIV epidemiology through coercive measures have experienced dramatic increases in infections. "Similarly, the DSTIG president also estimates the consequences for HIV infection Germany, if sex workers were punished or even more stigmatized.
Number of new infections with syphilis, chlamydia and other venereal diseases continues to increase
Across Europe, numbers of new infections with sexually transmitted diseases are rising. The DSTIG assumes around 80,000 infections with human papillomaviruses per year. The viruses can cause cervical cancer. However, girls between the ages of 12 and 17 can be vaccinated against it. About 100,000 bacterial infections with chlamydia occur according to the DSTIG also per year in Germany. The bacteria can cause infertility in both men and women.
As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) informed, there was also an increase in cases of syphilis. Nationwide, 19 percent more infections were registered in 2012 - a total of 4410 diseases - than in the previous year. In four out of five cases, sexual transmission has been reported to have been transmitted between men. According to the RKI, the number of contagion infections among prostitutes has remained constant. „Here, too, we have to look at the risk behavior and not have a miracle debate about prostitution, "explained Brockmeyer, where infections were also observed in swinger clubs.
Especially in young adults who are in their sexual identification phase, an increase in infections would be recorded. „Here in Germany we have to do much more educational work, "Brockmeyer demands.
The DSTIG now speaks of a comeback of sexually transmitted diseases. After a decline after the HIV epidemic, the experts today warn against a further increase in STDs. At the same time, HIV infections remain constant with an average of 3,000 new cases per year. For about ten years, however, other diseases transmitted through sexual contact are on the increase.
Improve education on sexually transmitted diseases
The President of the German Dermatological Society (DDG), Rudolf Stadler, calls for a better education about sexually transmitted diseases. According to Stadler, knowledge of contagion and consequences is a key factor in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. There are considerable deficits here. Not infrequently STDs would be brought back from vacation, for example.
In Germany, a continuous information policy is needed, said the DDG President in the spring to the news agency. The education work not only concerned schools, but also the doctors' practices. In doctor-patient conversations, the sexual health should also be addressed. This applies to dermatologists, as well as gynecologists, urologists and family doctors, so Stadler. (Sb)