Back pain When the furniture is to blame
In your own home, the back can be relieved
If the intervertebral disc pinches, neck and shoulders are strained, back pain aches or the lumbar spine hurts, those affected should relieve their backs. Not only with targeted back pain exercises but also with furniture the „back friendly“ everyday life can be relieved and possibly a serious herniated disc can be prevented.
Almost every person knows back pain
Millions of people suffer from back pain. These usually do not occur in old age but can already be found among the youngest. Already more than 40 percent of the fourth graders in Germany have experienced back pain once or several times. „Back pain is the number one disease in the population“, explains Georg Stingel from the action „healthy back“.
According to experts, in addition to lack of exercise and improper diet, too „back-friendly furniture“ responsible. Affected individuals often occupy long incorrect posture positions or sleep on an inappropriate mattress. These circumstances inevitably lead to back problems.
„As a prevention and help against back problems not only the workplace must be ergonomically designed“, reports Ursula Geismann from the Association of the German Furniture Industry. Even at home, chairs, sofa and kitchenette should be ergonomic and back-friendly. When buying new furniture, therefore, not only the design should be considered, but special attention should be paid to the fact that beds, kitchen furniture and the new couch are comfortable for the back. For example, the seat of the sofa should not be too low, so that even smaller people can just sit on it.
Exercises for back pain
Sufferers especially suffer when bending down to back pain and long sitting is not pleasant, a walk or going up and down in the apartment can help. By walking the pain is interrupted and the back relaxed, experts explain. Similar reports are given to patients whose back pain occurs mainly when lying down. Basically, only doing what is doing well. Sometimes even trampolining can provide relief.
Lying with lower back pain is sometimes helpful. Even hanging out, for example, on a roof beam or a stretch rod is often suitable for this type of back pain, so that the back is pulled apart. Stretching with upward stretch is also advantageous. Again, stretch and stretch only to the extent that it is comfortable. (Ag)
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