Back pain starts with school enrollment
Packing schoolchild: Proper carrying makes the satchel load easier. Back pain starts with school enrollment
Packed satchels make life difficult for children. According to a DAK survey of paediatricians, back pain in the offspring has increased in the last decade. "The satchels are not only full, but are often worn wrong," says DAK doctor. Jan Helfrich. "Little is to be done against the many notebooks and books. But you can work on the carrying technique and strengthen your back through sports. "
Lightweights preferred
The dead weight of the lance should be as low as possible. "Packed later, he is not allowed to weigh more than ten to twelve percent of his body weight," explains dr. Helfrich. "Ideally, the satchel is padded on the back and not wider than the child's shoulders." Adjustable, padded and wide straps that distribute pressure evenly across the shoulders are important. By the way: Good satchels carry the GS mark for tested safety and fulfill the DIN standard 58124.
The nuts and bolts - the carrying technique
When wearing: The satchel must be close to the body. The top edge forms a line to the shoulder. "Often the straps are worn too long," says the DAK expert. "The satchel then slides back and pulls into the hollow cross. The result is back pain and postural damage. "To make sure that the knapsack keeps its full capacity, as promised, it should be filled with books when you buy it. Rule of thumb for packing: Heavy books on the back, notebooks and light utensils in the front compartments.
Strong shoulders through movement
To prevent posture problems and to make children strong for the school, activity is announced. "Lack of exercise and too weak muscles are the most common causes of back pain," Helfrich. His advice: "Plan as much exercise as possible for your free time. The best are sports such as gymnastics, swimming, cycling - or simply a visit to the football field. (Pm)
Picture: S. Hofschlaeger