Strengthen the back muscles Children need a lot more exercise

Strengthen the back muscles Children need a lot more exercise / Health News
Back pain and postural damage are widespread. Not only adults but also children are affected. Experts recommend more exercise to strengthen the back muscles and prevent discomfort.

Casual sitting and shuffling gear
The pediatric orthopaedist Professor Robert Rödl from the University Hospital Münster explained in the pharmacy magazine "Baby and Family" (4/2015) that casual sitting or shuffling does not hurt if there is no illness behind it. So parents could stop admonitions like "sit upright!" Or "just stand up!". It would be better if parents took such observations as an opportunity to motivate the offspring to exercise more. Often, diseases of the spine such as scoliosis or the growth disorder Scheuermann's disease are clearly recognizable as such and also rare. Physical inactivity is one of the main reasons why children literally "hang out" - their muscles are just too weak.

Strong musculature prevents pain
A stronger back muscles can also prevent complaints such as back pain or neck tension. For many school children, these problems are part of everyday life. Often a wrong-packed or too heavy satchel is the cause. Pediatricians therefore recommend, among other things, that parents should pack the school bag together with their children, making sure that only the books and notebooks that would really be needed the next day are packed. Superfluous ballast should stay at home. Attention should also be paid to the distribution of the loads. All heaviness belong to the back, lighter items could be stowed in the front pocket area. (Ad)

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Picture: Nicole Celik