Caterpillar fungus from China Viagra from the Himalayas

Caterpillar fungus from China Viagra from the Himalayas / Health News

Precious Viagra from the Himalayas: The Chinese Caterpillar Mushroom - A potency wonder


Truly appetizing, the Chinese caterpillar fungus does not look straight with its shrunken bodies and its head looking like a branch. However, this fungus found only in the Himalayan region is considered a panacea to potency problems, cancer, tumors and viruses. Due to its rarity, it costs almost as much as gold.

For many, the caterpillar fungus also has the name "Viagra vom Himalaya" due to its potency-increasing effect. He should even help with cancer. "In the past, demand was not that high, but since we know what it's worth, there's a lot of fights among neighbors," says Zande Gongba, dealer of this rare animal. Just recently, two people were killed when it came to the right to collect on the hills around Tongren. Recently, there were photos on the Internet showing villagers armed with machetes facing dozens of police officers. "Violence contradicts the beliefs of those who believe in karma and Buddhism," warned the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetans, exiled his compatriots. "We know that's not good, but that's life and it has to go on," Gongba comments on the riots as he sits in a dark and dirty room under a picture of the Dalai Lama.

Butterflies serve as hosts
The Chinese also call him "winterworm, summergrass". His victim, the butterfly caterpillar, he attacks and eats it so far from the inside. Collecting the caterpillar fungi is hard work and is often done by the sons of poor farmers. Depending on the season, people in this very poor region earn more than two euros for a mushroom. They are sold at higher prices. The buyers also include the Chinese upper class, who use the caterpillar fungus not only as a medicine, but also as an addition to various dishes at luxurious dinner parties.

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But it is the healing power of the parasite that causes millions of Chinese to spend huge sums of money. "We have patients with stomach and breast cancer who were basically healed after taking half a kilo of caterpillar fungus," says Yang Mengxian, who the biggest mushroom business in Tongren. "Others have reproductive problems, they cook the mushroom with a chicken to a soup, which they drink once a week, so they have a great sex life and no problem to father a child." From a scientific point of view, the effect of the fungus can not yet be confirmed. But that does not hate the hysteria. The entrepreneur Shen Tong from the eastern province of Zhejiang has already spent 95,000 euros on caterpillar fungi. Every day, the 49-year-old drinks a cup of tea, which he makes from five caterpillar mushrooms. "That tastes and smells fishy," says the entrepreneur, who has the drink cost 23 euros a day. "You have to take the caterpillars regularly over a longer period of time, at least three years, and it is only after that time that the healing powers unfold, but it is very unlikely that it will be a serious competitor to pharmaceutical grade Viagra in the future.

Picture: Nicolas Merky, Wikipedia