Smokers should keep an eye on the mouth and throat

Smokers should keep an eye on the mouth and throat / Health News

Otolaryngologists recommend regular check-ups


Smoking harms health and increases the risk of serious illnesses such as heart attack or cancer. In addition to lung and bladder tumors, malignant changes in the airways are more common than in non-smokers. If you can not get rid of the problem, ENT specialists recommend that you have your oral cavity, larynx and cervical soft tissue examined regularly. „In order to be able to recognize and treat possible changes at an early stage, endoscopic screening is recommended every 2 years,“ explains Dr. Uso Walter, chairman of the medical network HNOnet NRW.

The specialist examines the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat with a thin tube, which enables a precise assessment of the area through magnification. If desired, ENT specialists will prescribe a short-term anesthetic before surgery to avoid any possible gagging and to make the examination more pleasant. An ultrasound examination of the cervical soft tissue completes the precautionary measure. In addition to smokers, people with frequent alcohol consumption and familial accumulation of tumors are also at risk for cancers of the oropharynx or larynx. „Since malignant changes often become noticeable only very late due to complaints and then usually can only be treated surgically, it is well worthwhile for these groups of people to make use of this optional service,“ emphasizes Walter. Because the ENT check-up is not part of the service catalog of the statutory health insurance. However, if you invest 60 euros and spend about 20 minutes every 2 years, you can often avert serious consequences of smoking. (Pm)

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Picture credits: Benjamin Thorn