Smoker's lungs in danger From when smoker's cough becomes life-threatening

Smoker's lungs in danger From when smoker's cough becomes life-threatening / Health News
Where smoker's cough comes from and when it becomes dangerous
Although there are fewer and fewer smokers in Germany, far too many Germans endanger their health through cigarettes. Even with constant coughing is sometimes still further smoke. But smoker's cough can be dangerous. Experts advise sufferers to have their lungs checked regularly.

Smoke stop is for your own health
Smoking is dangerous for your health. This is not only on cigarette packs, but has also been proven in numerous scientific studies. Tobacco users not only get sick and die of lung cancer, but also of various other types of cancer, lung disease and cardiovascular disease. Giving up smoking is therefore one of the most sensible measures for your own health. Nevertheless, some people continue to smoke, even if they have to cough again and again.

Smokers, who have to cough again and again, should not just accept this, but regularly have their lungs checked. From the smoker's cough can develop a dangerous COPD. (Image: Stefan /

When smokers have to cough again and again
For smokers who have to cough permanently, the garbage collection is on strike. This statement is used by the news agency dpa in a report on where smoker's coughing comes from and when it becomes dangerous.

Although cilia in the respiratory tract normally transport anything that should not be in the lungs, right out again. But the hairs cease their service after just one cigarette for seven hours, said Michael Barczok, a pulmonologist and spokesman for the Federal Association of Pulmonologists (BdP), in the agency report.

"The secretion accumulates in smokers and then has to be whisked up piece by piece," said the specialist. Affected people should not just accept this side effect. "Once a year, the lungs must be checked," said the physician.

Smoker's cough often develops COPD
The commonly referred to smoker's cough is often a chronic obstructive airway disease, which is called COPD.

Although non-smokers are also affected, "Smoking is by far the most important risk factor for the development of COPD. Around 80 to 90 percent of COPD diseases are directly attributable to smoking, "said Drs. Heidrun Thaiss, Head of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), in a statement.

Lungs fight back with inflammation
"The lungs are constantly overloaded by smoking and fight back with inflammation," explained Andreas Hellmann, chairman of the BdP, according to dpa. The proteins, which are supposed to eat bacteria, eventually begin to destroy the tissue - "the lungs digest themselves to a certain extent."

The treacherous thing about it is that those affected often hear it only when it's already too late. As Hellmann said, he had even met a patient in whom 60 percent of the lung volume was broken before he came to the doctor for the first time.

"People talk, they just are not so fit anymore. The idea that they could have destroyed their lungs, they do not come, "said the expert.

Once the lung's self-destruction has begun, the process can not be reversed - at the most, it's slowing down. It is true that a pulmonologist can recognize the signs early in a regular lung check and counteract them with medication. "First and foremost, the doctor will then talk in detail with the patient about smoking," says Barczok. (Ad)