Smoker Adolfs before trial to the hospital. Stroke suspicion

Smoker Adolfs before trial to the hospital. Stroke suspicion / Health News
Smoker Friedhelm Adolfs due to stroke in clinic
The smoker Friedhelm Adolfs had to be taken to a hospital. The 76-year-old has been making headlines for months as he fights against a home denunciation pronounced for his tobacco use. The pensioner is in the clinic because of a stroke suspicion.

Shortly before trial with stroke suspicion in the clinic
The 76-year-old Düsseldorf smoker Friedhelm Adolfs was hospitalized a few days before his fourth round of litigation. This confirmed his lawyer Martin Lauppe-Assmann and a friend Adolfs' on Tuesday. According to the information there is a suspicion that Adolfs suffered a minor stroke. It is unclear whether he could attend the trial on Thursday. His lawyer announced that he was likely to file an application to relocate the trial. Adolfs' friend and spokesman Ferry Weber added: "He definitely wants to be there."

Slight stroke of the plaintiff. (Image:

Nationwide respected process
For this Thursday, the Düsseldorf district court has set the new edition of the nationwide observed process. The retiree is to vacate his apartment after 40 years, as the cigarette smoke has drawn into the hallway and the neighbors unreasonably harassed. The former janitor of the house had lost in the first and second instance. By district and regional court his expulsion was confirmed. However, the ruling of the district court was overturned by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and referred back to the first instance. There, an experienced civil judge should provide for a revision-proof decision.

Increased stroke risk also for passive smokers
The lawsuit against the according to his lawyer "best-known smoker after Helmut Schmidt" had Adolfs nationwide sympathies of numerous smokers introduced. The senior had become a veritable icon of resistance to ever more consistent non-smoker protection. For neighbors and health experts, but he certainly was not. Especially considering that other residents are exposed to health risks through passive smoking, the criticism of the smoke nuisance is understandable. Thus, the German Stroke Assistance warned in the past: Passive smoking increases the risk of stroke. It has long been known that smoking promotes various diseases such as heart attacks, smoker's lungs or cancers such as colon cancer. For non smokers too, some of the risks increase when they are exposed to the cigarette smoke of others. (Ad)