Smoking favors tooth loss

Smoking favors tooth loss / Health News

Smoking can favor tooth loss, according to a report of the Federal Dental Association.

(11.05.2010) Smoking is harmful to the human organism in many ways. Smoking also favors tooth loss, which is the result of a report from the Federal Dental Association and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). The risk of having a tooth loss is twice as high in smokers as in non-smokers, the experts say. Because smokers are much more likely to suffer from periodontal disease (periodontitis). Periodontitis leads u.a. to loosen the teeth. In periodontal disease, the tooth decay goes from the bone and connective tissue and gums. For illness is typical that almost exclusively the entire dentition is concerned. As a result, then a gingival loosening occurs.

The scientists are responsible for pollutants in tobacco smoke, which are believed to lead to tooth loosening. This immunological processes are set in motion which damage the jawbone. "Especially tricky is that smoking suppresses the bleeding gums, which is a typical sign of periodontitis and a warning for the disease," said the experts of the report. Smokers notice by this process the disease until very late.

Frightening: About 70 percent of patients with chronic periodontal disease are smokers. The risk of suffering from this disease is five to six times higher in smokers than in non-smokers. The more the person smokes, the harder the illness will be. If the disease is detected in time, it can also be stopped. But the treatment is very inappropriate and the patient has to work very well.

Smoking can also lead to oral cancer. In addition to tooth and gum disease, smoking can also cause oral cancer. Depending on how much a patient smokes, the risk of getting cancer increases one to six times compared to non-smokers. According to the report, about 4,500 people die of oral cancer. Mainly affected are mainly men. In 2007, this type of cancer came in seventh place, and in women, 16th place in all deaths caused by cancer.

Dentists want to participate more intensively in the project "Smoke Stop".In the future, dentists want to participate more in the project "noise stop". Dietmar Oesterreich, vice president of the Federal Dental Association, says that about 76 percent of adults and about 66 percent of adolescents visit the dentist at least once a year. "The dental visits will now be used to advise patients and provide support to stop smoking. (sb)

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