Guide Who has which rehab claim?

Guide Who has which rehab claim? / Health News
After an accident, with chronic illnesses or a heavy blow of fate usually helps those affected a rehab measure to get back to fit properly. In Germany alone, about 1.5 million people are treated in rehabilitation facilities each year. But who is actually entitled to such a measure? How do I make a request? Can I choose the facility myself? These questions are answered by Dr. med. med. univ. Simon Güte, spa physician and medical director of the Gastein Heilstollen.

What is the popular word "rehab"??
"In principle, there are three forms of rehabilitation: First, the medical rehab. It is intended to prevent or reduce restrictions on the ability to work or care associated with medical measures. The second form, occupational rehabilitation, includes all measures designed to help a person recover from illness, with limited health or other work-related problems, to return to work. Third, there is the social rehabilitation, which should make it easier for people with disabilities to integrate into social life. "

Questions and answers about the rehab claim. Image:

Where do such measures take place??
"Rehabilitation takes place in rehabilitation clinics or in outpatient rehab facilities."

What medical benefit do you have??
"Anyone who wants to get fit with a chronic illness needs medical supervision and targeted programs. Only if a medically trained team and a wide variety of medical services are available, the rehab will succeed. In spas, these are supplemented by classic spa therapies such as baths or wraps. What is special about a health resort are the - usually local - natural remedies. In Bad Gastein, for example, especially the Radonthermalstollen belongs to it. Here, patients travel by train several times to the tunnels and spend about an hour on the therapy stations, where the impact factors radon, heat and high humidity develop their therapeutic benefits. "

How does the application work??
"Patients should visit their family doctor. He must determine the need and document the course of the disease. The application must be made to the pension insurance, the professional association or the health insurance. Many rehab facilities help with the application process. In most cases, a supplement is required. "

What are the requirements for granting the application??
"It must be foreseeable that rehabilitation will improve the state of health, slow down the illness process or improve professional performance. In rheumatic diseases, rheumatism, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and skin diseases in particular have a good chance of being granted. Many patients benefit after a therapy with us in Gastein from a lower medication requirement, less pain or even complaint-free. "

Has a say in the establishment?
Yes, insured persons have the right to choose and vote at the treatment facility. However, the final decision on the facility and scope of services meets the rehab carrier. (Pm)