Counselor dye easter eggs with spinach naturally

Counselor dye easter eggs with spinach naturally / Health News

For coloring Easter eggs use natural colors of vegetables


If you want to dye Easter eggs yourself, you can fall back on natural colors. Because vegetables such as spinach, red cabbage or beetroot are boiled long enough, you get a very natural, coloring broth, without artificial additives. For this, 250 grams of the desired vegetables are boiled in half a liter of water and a dash of vinegar for 30 to 45 minutes, as informed by the Verbraucher Initiative e.V..

Color organic eggs for Easter with bouillon of cooked vegetables
When the vegetable broth is ready, the eggs are hard-boiled in it. For a green color spinach, parsley or nettle leaves are suitable, for the colors golden yellow to brown caraway, chamomile, black tea or onion peels. Red easter eggs are served with beetroot, red onion skins or rooibos tea. Red cabbage leaves and elderberry juice color the eggs in blues to lilacs. The best color result is obtained by rubbing the eggs with vinegar before dyeing.

Purchased colorful eggs have the disadvantage over self-dyed that they were usually dyed with artificial food colors and are coated with a protective varnish for the shine. The ingredients must be indicated on the packaging, but a crucial note is missing. „Unfortunately, the providers do not have to specify where the eggs came from and how the chickens were kept. So it is all the more pleasing that some are still doing so, making it possible for consumers to make a responsible decision“, explains Laura Gross of the Consumer Initiative e.V. „Those who prefer to dye themselves and think of the chickens, resort to eggs from organic or free range“, advises the club.

Image: Wolfgang Floedl