Keep your eyes open for the right plant purchase

Keep your eyes open for the right plant purchase / Health News
The spring lures. The gardeners are in the starting blocks and are busy buying plants. To keep the enjoyment of the purchased copies long, it is worthwhile to look carefully at the purchase. If a specimen fails due to poor quality, this is often doubly annoying: in addition to the gap in the bed soon an additional hole in the purse gapes because replacement must be procured. You do not have to be a botanist to see good quality.

Attention when buying plants. Image: Jeanette Dietl - fotolia

Plants with kinked, broken or rotten parts, leaf spots or many dried leaves should be left better. Intact plants with plump, fresh green leaves and stems are the first choice. Anyone who is unsure whether a plant looks the way it should look best in the horticultural retailers. In spring, blooming plants driven in the greenhouse are offered in many places. Late frosts can put a sudden end to such plants.

It is also worth considering when choosing a variety. There are many different varieties of many popular perennials. They differ in flowering time, flower abundance or flowering time, their location requirements, their winter hardiness, lifespan or disease susceptibility. Here is worth a look in the plant pot. Good plant quality can be seen not least in the root system: plants with solid, of fine white root braid traversed bales usually grow well.
Further tips on buying plants can be found on in the theme portal "Edible Garden"