Rapeseed oil is great for the heart

Rapeseed oil is great for the heart / Health News

Rapeseed oil makes an excellent contribution to heart health

Local rapeseed oil is gaining more and more popularity. According to experts, it is now more popular among Germans than sunflower and olive oil. And that's just as well. Finally, rapeseed oil makes an excellent contribution to heart health thanks to its ingredients.

One of the most valuable cooking oils for the kitchen

The question of which oil is best for a healthy diet is being answered by more and more consumers with rapeseed oil. This is indeed one of the most valuable food oils for cooking and health. Among other things, this is due to the excellent fatty acids, the consumer service Bayern reported in a statement.

Rapeseed oil is becoming increasingly popular among Germans. Above all, the excellent fatty acids make edible oil a particularly valuable food. (Image: popout / fotolia.com)

Seeds deliver the oil for consumption

According to the experts, today's rape varieties no longer contain the harmful erucic acid and the bitter-tasting glucosinolates from the seed coat thanks to cultured seeds.

The seeds provide the oil for human consumption. And that has it all.

Rapeseed oil contains numerous minerals, phytochemicals such as carotenoids and the fat-soluble vitamins A, E and K, which as so-called antioxidants can protect cells against attacks by so-called free radicals.

Excellent fatty acids

Above all, the excellent fatty acids make rapeseed oil a particularly valuable food.

As the consumer service Bayern writes, the high content of monounsaturated oleic acid in the blood can lower the cholesterol level and thus prevents cardiovascular diseases.

"The star among the fatty acids is undoubtedly the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on cholesterol and the elasticity of all blood vessels and membranes and is a constituent of tissue hormones, "states the statement.

"Omega-3 fatty acids make an excellent contribution to heart health."

Health benefits confirmed in studies

The benefits of this edible oil have been proven in scientific studies. As reported by American researchers, rapeseed oil can help to reduce excess belly fat.

And according to German scientists, it is better for fat men than olive oil to improve the cholesterol and liver values.

However, according to experts, rapeseed oil is often used incorrectly. So native rapeseed oil should be used only for the cold kitchen, since it forms relatively quickly dangerous trans fatty acids in heat.

Refined rapeseed oil, however, is industrially heavily processed and is also suitable for frying, as long as it is not too hot. (Ad)