Rapeseed oil for overweight better than olive oil

Rapeseed oil for overweight better than olive oil / Health News

Rapeseed oil for fat men better than olive oil


In the preparation of food is always the question of what the best oil for it is. This not only for taste, but also for health reasons. It has long been known that olive oil performs well on both points. German researchers came to the conclusion that rapeseed oil can even improve the cholesterol and liver values ​​even more.

Positive health effects of edible oils
For years, the positive health effects of olive oil have been known. For example, studies have shown that, when properly combined, it can lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. But other edible oils also perform well in tests. A new study concludes that rapeseed oil, compared to olive oil - in overweight men - reduces cholesterol levels and measurably improves liver function. In addition, rapeseed oil counteracts chronic inflammation, at least in the longer term.

Northern Europeans consume less olive oil than southern Europeans
„Since northern Europeans do not use olive oil as much as southern Europeans, we wanted to investigate whether domestic rapeseed oil is an alternative as it is particularly rich in monounsaturated but also polyunsaturated fatty acids. So far nutrition studies are missing, which compare the effect of both oils directly“, said study's first author Michael Kruse from the German Institute for Nutritional Research (DIfE) in Potsdam-Rehbrücke. For the pilot study led by the DIfE, half of the subjects - 18 overweight men between the ages of 39 and 63 - consumed over four weeks, 50 grams of refined rapeseed oil per day. The other group got 50 grams of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. The oils should be consumed in the form of, for example, salad dressing or pesto.

Cholesterol levels lowered and liver enzymes improved
Participants did not increase or decrease as intended after the four-week diet phase. The DIfE writes in a press release: „Compared to the olive oil group, the LDL cholesterol level of men who consumed rapeseed oil decreased by about 0.45 mmol / L. Likewise, her liver values ​​improved.“ However, the scientists explained:„However, further studies with much larger numbers of subjects are needed to further investigate the effects we observe.“

Obesity is associated with many health risks
As the researchers explain in the press release, numerous studies suggest that overweight (obesity) is associated with chronic inflammation that increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. In addition, overweight people often suffer from lipid metabolism disorders, high blood pressure and fatty liver, which may be preceded for example by type 2 diabetes or severe cardiovascular disease. „Various studies suggest that high intake of olive oil, as is the norm in the context of a Mediterranean diet, can prevent these diseases“, it says in the message. But maybe rapeseed oil is even better.

Rapeseed oil also for babies
But not only for overweight men, also for toddlers rapeseed oil offers. According to experts, parents should use rapeseed oil best when preparing baby porridge, as it contains high levels of fat-soluble vitamins (E, K and A) as well as unsaturated fatty acids, such as valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels Act. (Ad)

Image: I-vista