Radon heat therapy for pain

Radon heat therapy for pain / Health News

Alternative to traditional medicine in the fight against pain


They hit the heart, make every movement a burden and even turn optimists into sullen people - chronic pain. They affect about every fifth European. Many of them even plague pain so severely that they can no longer exercise their profession permanently. But that's not all: Although prescriptive medications make torment temporarily bearable, with long-term use, they aggravate the suffering caused by side effects in addition. With the so-called Radonwärmetherapie, however, is a natural alternative to traditional medical medication ready, many of whom do not know.

Many studies of radon heat therapy confirm long-lasting analgesic effects. In addition, pain patients benefit from lower drug requirements. „Experience shows that beneficial effects of radon heat therapy persist for many months“, explains PD Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. „As a symptom-oriented form of treatment, however, radon heat therapy can not remedy the causes of the diseases.“ Their successes are based on a combination of mild overheating and high humidity as well as the absorption of radon. Patients absorb radon through the lungs and skin. Radon releases mild alpha rays in the body, which stimulate cell repair mechanisms and activate healing and anti-inflammatory messengers. These relieve long-lasting pain and accompanying symptoms. The effect of radon is further enhanced by the so-called hyperthermia effect. This occurs in the body whenever temperatures above 37.5 degrees and high humidity coincide. This raises the patient's core body temperature to 38.5 degrees. As a result, blood vessels expand, resulting in better blood circulation and relaxation of pain-plagued muscles. Another advantage: the form of therapy is considered to have few side effects.

Especially for the treatment of diseases of the rheumatic type, the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory tract and the skin is the Radonwärmetherapie. „For the clinical picture, ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic, inflammatory rheumatic disease that causes unbearable pain, our success rates are, for example, 80 to 90 percent“, knows Dr. Hölzl. Often, radon heat therapy also has an effect when classic conventional medical medication reaches its limits and even strong analgesics are no longer helpful. Health insurance companies often take about 90 percent of the therapy costs. Otherwise, for example, a drive into the Gasteiner Heilstollen costs about 60 euros. (Pm)