Radiowave therapy for varicose veins

Radiowave therapy for varicose veins / Health News

IKK Südwest signs contract for gentle radio-wave therapy - treatment takes place on an outpatient basis


The IKK Südwest is taking an innovative approach to varicose vein therapy. In the future, affected insured persons will be able to have their venous disease treated with a new, minimally invasive and gentle surgical procedure - provided the medical conditions are met. The so-called radio wave therapy represents an alternative to the conventional treatment, the „stripping“-Procedure (extraction of the vein) dar. The affected leg vessels are closed by radio waves (Closure method). The procedure is less stressful for the patient as the treatment can be done on an outpatient basis in local anesthesia.

IKK Südwest, as part of an integration plan, is paying the costs for the modern treatment method, which is currently not part of the outpatient service catalog of the statutory health insurance (GKV). Benefits for the insured are short waiting times, quality-assured treatment procedures, comprehensive advice and more service. „In addition, the use of radio wave therapy minimizes the number of hospital stays, as the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis“, explains Frank Lambert, Head of the Contracting Party of IKK Südwest. „The patient has a shorter recovery time and is thus faster to recover.“

IKK Südwest's contract partner is Micado Health Care GmbH, a nationwide, medical-based management company that strives to improve the quality of the healthcare system by building integrated care structures, while focusing more on outpatient treatment.

In a European comparison, outpatient surgery in Germany has played a minor role so far. The so-called station replacement services will become more and more important in the future. „That is why it is important and right that we should be one of the first health insurances to deal with minimally invasive techniques and to build up networked care structures so that our insured persons can benefit from it“, emphasizes Frank Lambert.

In the course of the IKK motto „More power at your side“ this is another step in the right direction. „This proves once again that our insured persons can benefit from many benefits that go far beyond the standard of statutory health insurance (SHI)“, supplements Dr. Lutz Hager, Managing Director Supply of IKK Südwest.

94 qualified physicians nationwide offer this service for IKK Südwest, three of them in Saarland, six in Rhineland-Palatinate seven and two in Hesse. Interested parties can obtain further information via the free IKK service hotline 0800/0 119 119. (pm)