Radioactive particles reach Europe today

Radioactive particles reach Europe today / Health News

Federal Environmental Agency: Radioactive particles reach Europe during the day


While European and German authorities have repeatedly said in recent days that radioactive particles from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant would not reach Germany or Europe under any circumstances, today's announcement will unsettle many people. Because measuring stations of the Federal Environmental Agency now expect that actually air currents with radioactive particles reach the Central European area. However, the particles did not pose any health hazards, as was emphasized. The incoming radioactivity will „very, very low“ be a spokesman for the environmental agency assured.

Radioactive air currents reach Europe
During the course of today, the first contaminated air currents could reach Central Europe. Experts and authorities have always said that the distance to the wrecking nuclear power plant was too great to speak of a danger to people in Europe, now all indications that the events in Japan are becoming a worldwide problem. The news situation in Japan is sometimes very obscure, the operator company TEPCO and the Japanese authorities only provide filtered and often contradictory information. Many people in Japan are already doubting the publicity of the news. Also international authorities and politicians repeatedly criticized the insufficient information of the Japanese government. As the radiation biologist Edmund Lengfelder criticized, the Japanese authorities provide the population with "targeted false information". Lengfelder suspects that people in Japan are not taught "appropriately" and truthfully. Accordingly, reports from Japan, which reach the world, are to be critically evaluated.

Values ​​in Germany still stable
Worldwide, people's fears are now increasing that they are themselves affected by a radiation load. Erich Wirth, head of the monitoring station of the Federal Environment Agency, told the TV broadcaster MDR that during the last few days increased radioactivity has been measured in the US state of California and in Iceland. „From there it is not far to Central Europe“, said the expert. However, be the incoming radioactivity „very, very low“. In Germany, the values ​​are still stable. He expects, however, that a so-called trace analysis makes values ​​detectable. According to available data, there is no danger of a health hazard.

USA tighten import rule
The Food and Drug Administration in the USA has implemented a tightening of import regulations. Foods from the Japanese prefectures of Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi and Gunma are likely to be introduced only if all foods have undergone intensive radioactivity testing. The new regulations apply above all to milk, dairy products, vegetables and fruit. Japanese authorities have noticed greatly increased levels of radiation in food in recent days. The tap water is now also affected by some very high values. France has also called on the EU to tighten import regulations. It requires "systematic controls of all fresh food" from Japan. An import ban is currently not necessary in the opinion of the French.

Mass protests expected in Germany
Environmentalists and associations in Germany are calling „mass protests“ on March 26 in Germany. In four big cities one wants to carry out demonstrations, like the globalization-critical initiative „Attac“ reported. Already last Monday, thousands of people in 700 different places in Germany had demanded an immediate exit from nuclear energy. (Sb)

Also read:
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How dangerous is radioactive radiation?
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Radioactive Radiation: Health Effects

Image: Gerd Altmann,