Tormenting eye itching and running noses Ambrosia makes it more and more difficult for people with allergies

Tormenting eye itching and running noses Ambrosia makes it more and more difficult for people with allergies / Health News
Health hazard: Ambrosia plagues allergy sufferers
According to experts, Ambrosia is one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world. The plant, imported from America, is currently in bloom, and its pollen can cause severe allergy symptoms such as tears, runny nose, and even severe asthma symptoms.

Propagation of the ambrosia plant
For years, the massive spread of the Ambrosia plant has been pointed out. The North American mugwort ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), also called upright or ragweed, now finds suitable growth conditions here in Germany. The unpleasant plant can cause allergy sufferers currently.

Ambrosia is one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world. In this country, too, it is spreading further and further. The unpleasant plant can cause allergy sufferers currently. (Image: Ewald Fröch /

One of the strongest allergenic plants in the world
According to experts, Ambrosia is one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world. About 80 percent of allergy sufferers are therefore allergic to ragweed.

In addition, the herb can provoke hypersensitivity even in previously insensitive persons without allergy.

In Hesse, too, the unpleasant plant is currently causing problems for allergy sufferers. According to a report by the news agency dpa, a spokesman for the Hessian State Office for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) announced that the plant was mainly distributed in the south of the country and in the Rhine-Main area.

Other states are more affected.

Pollen flight from August to October
The up to 1.80 meter high weeds bloom from about mid-July, the pollen count extends from August to October.

"Already ten pollen per cubic meter of air are enough to trigger symptoms such as tears, itchy eyes, photosensitivity, headaches, tiredness and hay fever in pollen allergy sufferers," says a leaflet from the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment.

And further: "An exceptionally high proportion of sufferers also suffer from respiratory problems to asthma." In addition, the nose runs and redness can occur.

Only handle with gloves
The city of Frankfurt / Main warns on its website before the "health hazard Ambrosia".

Here are some tips on what to do if the plant is discovered in your own garden:

"Grasp the plant with gloves, pull it out with the root and dispose of it in a plastic bag in the trash bin. When removing already flowering plants, please wear a dust mask for protection against the pollen. "

Other Ambrosia finds should be reported to the Biodiversity Project Group (Friedberg).

According to the Hessian State Office, the plant was mainly introduced by bird feed balls, which are hung up to feed the animals.

The city of Frankfurt therefore recommends: "Ask your dealer and buy ambrosia-seed-free birdseed if possible." And: "Do not dispose of bird food leftovers in the open countryside." (Ad)