Quark wrap against inflammation and swelling

Quark wrap against inflammation and swelling / Health News
Quark rolls are a well-known Home remedies that can be used against various inflammations and injuries. Probably the best known application of Quarkwickel, is the sunburn. But even with insect bites, arthritis and sprains are Quark wrap according to the National Association of the Bavarian Dairy (LVBM) in Munich quite helpful.


  • Quark wrap a proven home remedy
  • Quark wrap for nursing mothers

Therapeutic benefits are provided by the Quark wrappers with their "decongestant, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and pleasantly cooling effect", according to the LVBM. The anti-inflammatory effect is based on the ingredients of the quark (eg casein) and the cooling effect is mainly due to the evaporation of the liquid contained. As a home remedy, the Quarkwickel have proven many times.

Quark roll at the foot. Image: Gina Sanders - fotolia

Also in modern rehabilitation clinics the wraps are used today because of their convincing effect, for example, in joint inflammation. Cooling is one of the proven alternative treatments for inflammation of the superficial veins (thrombophlebitis). Taking a few details into account, Quark wrappers are relatively easy to make and use. Side effects are usually not expected here. However, a doctor should be consulted for more serious signs of inflammation.

Quark wrap a proven home remedy

The quark rolls are made of ordinary curd cheese, which is about half a centimeter thick on a cloth to apply. Then the cloth is wrapped so that the quark is inside. As a compress, the Quark wrap can now be used on the affected body parts. It should be noted that the Quarkwickel not be attached to open wounds. Also, the quark should not come directly from the refrigerator, but ideally have already warmed to a temperature of about 18 degrees Celsius, reports the National Association of the Bavarian dairy industry.

According to the LVBM, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, quark wraps should be done "at least once a day, more often if required." An application period of about 15 minutes is usually recommended. However, strong inflammations may also require multiple applications in quick succession. As soon as the cooling effect of the quark wrap subsides, a new quark wrap is applied, for example in the case of severe inflammations of the knee joint, and this procedure is repeated as desired. Most swelling and redness are significantly reduced by the use of the wrap after a few days of treatment.

Quark wrap for nursing mothers

Another application of Quarkwickel are typical complaints of breastfeeding mothers, such as breast inflammation (mastitis), painful nipples, congestion or hardening of the chest. By using Quark wrap, chest pain and signs of inflammation can often be significantly alleviated. The reels are applied while lying on the chest. If, for example, small nodules have formed in the breast during the course of a milk congestion, the wrap can be applied precisely to these areas. Here it stays for about 15 minutes and unfolds its healing effect.

The complaints go back after a relatively short time. In addition, the mothers do not have to worry about possible harm to the child due to the pure natural ingredients of the quark. Overall, the Quarkauflagen provide an extremely effective remedy for a variety of inflammation and swelling, which also makes use of modern medicine in different places. (Fp)