Puberty What helps with acne and pimples

Puberty What helps with acne and pimples / Health News

Puberty: what helps with acne and pimples


Teenagers often suffer from pimples and blackheads during puberty. Some of them so much that they barely dare to leave the house. However, some tips for dealing with acne can make life easier for many sufferers.

Acne usually disappears by itself
During adolescence, many adolescents are very stressed by skin problems and acne. However, they should keep in mind that acne usually disappears by itself and they can temporarily mask the pimples and blackheads with the help of make-up. However, make-up products should be selected that do not clog the sebaceous glands. Clogged glands are the fault of the blackheads. The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) points this out, according to a news agency dpa.

Do not clean skin too often
During puberty, many hormones are formed, and especially the so-called androgens, male sex hormones, affect the skin: they stimulate the formation of fat. If too much fat is produced in the sebaceous glands at once, it can no longer run off, accumulates and a blackhead develops. Since many acne remedies work only after a few weeks to months, patience is required. It therefore brings nothing to try constantly new resources. In addition, girls and boys should not cleanse the skin too often because it irritates the skin and can increase acne.

Skin creams with low fat content
This also applies to the expression of pimples. In addition, boys should be careful when shaving and not hurt the skin if possible. If skin creams are used, they should ideally have a low fat content. Good products are gel-based, which facilitate the drainage of tallow (skin fat). According to the report, girls also have the option of taking the anti-baby pill for acne, as the pills often contain the estrogen and progestin sex hormones and can improve the skin. However, as these medications can have side effects, they should not be prescribed for acne treatment until other remedies do not help.

Natural remedies for pimples
For many sufferers but also offer very simple home remedies for acne. Since stress, unhealthy fats and sugar can also promote the development of blackheads and pimples, it is advisable to pay attention to a balanced diet and relaxation. In natural medicine, various home remedies for pimples are used, which have proven themselves for years. For external use, for example, healing earth or the pure juice of aloe vera are. And for internal use include teas from medicinal herbs in question, which have a blood-purifying, draining, detoxifying and metabolism-stimulating effect. (Ad)

Picture: C Falk