PsyWeb portal for psychological internet testing

PsyWeb portal for psychological internet testing / Health News

PsyWeb: New scientific portal for psychological internet testing


Since in many psychological studies only students of a specialty or even only psychologists are interviewed, experts in a joint project of the Universities of Münster and Leipzig and the University of Osnabrück try to learn more about the psyche of "Otto normal consumers". Participants who anonymously complete various online tests should represent a broad cross-section of the population.

PsyWeb provides data from Otto normal consumers
The internet platform PsyWeb was launched by psychologists from the Universities of Münster and Leipzig as well as the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Using various online tests, the scientists want to learn more about the psyche of the average citizen. Project leader Meinald Thielsch reports that already 1,500 Germans have registered to participate in the psychoassays. For a representative study but at least 10,000 participants are needed. Psychologist Thielsch considers the Internet particularly suitable due to the numerous different users from all age and social classes: „We do not reach such a cross section when questioned on the telephone or in the pedestrian zone.“ PsyWeb is a purely scientific portal that does not conduct commercial surveys.

What do consumers have from participation
Who participates in the psychological interviews, has a number of advantages. According to self-reported participants get one „direct insight into current topics of psychological research“. Anyone who participates in the polls also receives free feedback on important issues „psychological characteristics“. So for example „sound personality tests or common diagnostic procedures“ carried out. Topics of the diagnosis procedures are among other things depression, social competence, fear of examinations, eating behavior or work disturbances.

If you live in the Münster or Osnabrück area, you may also be invited to study in the Forschungsinstitut. These are usually remunerated with expense allowances (travel costs, etc.). In addition, it is possible to participate in typical procedures such as simulations of assessment centers. These procedures are also free for all participants. Last but not least, vouchers from Amazon etc. will be raffled among all participants.

Beware of rogue portals
Internet users should be wary of sharing very personal information. While "PsyWeb" is a scientific portal, there are also dubious commercial offers of online psychotests. A series of test on the topic „Burnout“ are currently doing the rounds, which are used exclusively for promoting wellness or relaxation offers. The benefit for those affected is doubtful. (Ag)

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