Psychosomatic Energetics after Banis

Psychosomatic Energetics after Banis / Health News

Psychosomatic Energetics after Banis (PSE)


Psychosomatic Energetics is an interesting and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic method in the field of energetic medicine. It was developed and perfected by the Swiss medical couple Reimar and Ulrike Banis. Using a technically sophisticated measuring device, similar to a biofeedback device, it is possible for the therapist to accurately measure and analyze the energy status of his patient. Thus, the practitioner is able to provide information about his vital, emotional, mental and causal energy values ​​to his counterpart.

Unconscious energy blockades
The PSE assumes that humans, as in traditional Indian medicine, has seven energy centers. Often it comes in the course of life by mental triggers such as shock, sadness, trauma, etc. to an energy blockade in one of these energy levels. This in turn has serious consequences for the physical and mental quality of life of humans. The resulting unconscious blockade with the associated complaints such. Fatigue, lack of self-esteem, lack of energy, depression, pain, irritable bladder, allergies, rheumatism, joint problems, addictions, cardiovascular problems, susceptibility to infections, skin diseases, migraine, tinnitus, etc. can tamper with the patient for years without being permanently cured by conventional conventional medicine. „Your blood levels and organs are healthy“, The victims then often hear and are often labeled as "hypochondriacs".

Help with chronic forms
In these chronic forms, psychosomatic energetics can often specifically help to detect and eliminate the debilitating energy blockade and the underlying hidden conflict with the help of the test device. This is done with a specially adapted to the patient's symptoms of homeopathic complex remedy, which is administered depending on the severity of the blockage between one and three months. After a relatively short time, users of this innovative medicine often report a significant increase in their overall well-being, an inner and outer strengthening of their health and personality. „My charisma, my health and my satisfaction are back“, It is often said in my practice. This is because energetic medicine does not fight the superficial symptoms but profoundly neutralizes the cause of the disharmony and therefore raises and energizes the human being from the inside out. The entire system is thus strengthened and revitalized and you feel closer to your inner center again. Of course, the PSE can also be combined with other therapy methods such as acupuncture, phytotherapy, enzyme therapy, just to name a few, combined and strengthened, as I do daily in my practice.

Ultimately, the advantage of psychosomatic energetics is that it acts specifically on the core of the problem and can therefore help precisely and sustainably to activate and maintain the self-healing powers of humans. Therefore, psychosomatic energetics is for me a useful and necessary supplement to the current conventional medicine.

Personal: Dipl. Päd. And Naturopath Andre Tonak from Hamburg is a long-time experienced therapist. In addition to psychosomatic energetics he works among others with acupuncture, phytotherapy, enzyme therapy, neural therapy and psychotherapy (HPG). In addition to practical work, Mr. Tonak also lectures, arranges seminars and publishes in medical journals. (at)

Picture: S. Hofschlaeger