Psychologist Children tend to trust more beautiful people
According to surveys, a woman's intelligence is increasingly more important to her than her appearance. Nevertheless, an attractive appearance is obviously of great importance - at least for children. Children trust more beautiful people, according to a new study.
Good-looking people seem more trustworthy
In a report by the British Independent, Harvard professor Amy Cuddy recently stated that when we meet a previously unknown person for the first time, two questions make our first impression. The first question is therefore "How trustworthy is my counterpart?" And the second one: "How competent do I judge others?" But what makes people trustworthy? Chinese researchers have now discovered that appearance seems to play a big role here. At least for children.
Children trust beautiful persons
A new study from China shows that even children trust rather beautiful people. As part of their investigation, the researchers have Dr. Fengling Ma from the Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in Hangzhou submitted 100 computer-generated faces to 100 children aged eight, ten and twelve years. According to the internet portal "" the male faces were "all with a neutral expression and a direct view". The small subjects should each assess how trustworthy they found the people.
Appearance was more important to girls
As the experts of the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) report on their website "", it turned out that the children considered people to be more trustworthy, whose faces they considered attractive. The researchers reported in the journal "Frontiers in Psychology" that children of an age group with increasing age, the trustworthiness assessed more and more similar and their assessment more consistent with that of adults. That was especially true for girls.
Adults decide within 50 milliseconds
Researchers concluded that the ability to interpret facial features becomes more intense with age, and thus with increasing social experience of the children. Although only male faces were presented to the study participants, previous studies had suggested that even children are subject to the cliché of beauty, whereby attractive people are automatically perceived as more intelligent, sociable and successful. In addition, studies have shown that adults already decide within 50 milliseconds on the basis of appearance whether they trust someone or not. This applies even if they see the face of a person from another culture. (Ad)