Psyche Smooth skin without pimples and blackheads looks more trustworthy
A flawless skin without redness, pimples and blackheads - who does not want that. But almost everyone has skin problems now and then. Often then comes powder or a concealer used to conceal the bumps. Not a bad idea if you follow the results of a recent study by Jacobs University in Bremen. For example, as the researchers report, people with smooth skin would be more credible and more competent.
One tenth of a second is enough for the first impression
Is anyone attractive, accessible or trustworthy? After just one tenth of a second, people can assess a person's characteristics when they first meet her. And this first impression usually remains, even if the other gets to know better. A central role seems to play a new study according to the skin picture. Because researchers from Jacobs University in Bremen for the first time investigated to what extent small blemishes of the skin influence the personal effect and came to interesting results. Smooth and pimple-free skin should be trustworthy. Image: Antonioguillem - fotolia
Researchers have natural and beautiful images rated
As the University reports, Dr. Elena Tsankova and Prof. dr. Arvid Kappas showed a total of 130 study participants various photos of faces. Some of the images had previously been altered on the computer so that all moles, impurities and other blemishes of the skin had disappeared. Part of the subjects then got to see the "glorified" pictures, the other group looked at the faces in their natural appearance. Afterwards, the participants gave information on how they rate the depicted persons in terms of credibility, competence, attractiveness and health.
Smooth skin suggests maturity and competence
It appeared that the complexion is obviously very important for the first impression and not just about whether someone is perceived as healthy and attractive. Rather, it was also crucial for the assessment of the credibility or trustworthiness and competence of the counterpart. "On the one hand, the skin image directly influences our perception, as smooth skin looks healthier than blemished skin," explains Elena Tsankova. In addition, smooth skin also has an indirect effect, because it suggests maturity and expertise, the scientist continues. Conversely, impure skin is often associated with immaturity (such as puberty pimples) or poverty (e.g., failure to afford good skin care products).
"Given these results, we may even get the concealer or powder out of our pockets before the next interview or an important appointment," Tsankova said. In addition, the new knowledge can also help to reflect more strongly in the assessment of other people. Because it is important not to put additional pressure on people with skin problems, the scientists emphasize.
For the first time only a partial aspect examined
"There have been studies that have examined how appearance affects our credibility. However, they always looked at several factors at the same time, such as skin color and skin structure, "explains Tsankova. In their work, which was recently published by the journal "Perception", they would now have examined for the first time a single partial aspect with the smoothness of the skin. This should be further intensified in a next step by the two psychologists e.g. to explore the question of how the complexion interacts with other aspects of our appearance. (No)