Preventing students creatively against binge drinking

Preventing students creatively against binge drinking / Health News

Alcohol prevention: Students creatively against binge drinking


Since 2010, around 52,000 young artists have been creatively engaged in coma running throughout Germany. The students have as part of the action „colorful instead of blue“ Pictures painted against the binge drinking. For those who want to attend this year, the deadline is March 31st.

Creative against coma drinking
Since 2010, around 52,000 young artists have been creatively engaged in binge drinking throughout Germany by painting pictures against the binge drinking. This took place as part of the campaign „colorful instead of blue“ the DAK health instead. The poster competition for students between the ages of 12 and 17 will take place again this year, now for the fifth time. The campaign for alcohol prevention in 2014 is under the patronage of the new Federal Government Drug Commissioner, Marlene Mortler. 11,000 schools throughout Germany were invited to participate.

Increase by 180 percent
In 2012, 26,673 children and adolescents with alcohol poisoning were hospitalized nationwide. This is a maximum and compared to the year 2000, an increase of 180 percent. „Every day, an average of 70 children and adolescents end up drunk in a clinic“, says DAK CEO Herbert Rebscher. „4,000 of the young alcohol patients were 10 to 15 years old. „The arrivals are just the tip of the iceberg. The unreported number is far greater“ said Thomas Ehlert, head of the DAK service center in Pinneberg, opposite the „Uetersen News“. In order to stop this trend, the consequences of alcohol misuse must be informed at an early stage.“ Since students would have to show their own colors in the campaign, the campaign was particularly successful and will therefore continue.

Rock band appeals to teens
The deadline for the multi-award winning campaign is March 31 this year. Following this, the best posters will be selected in all 16 federal states, and in June a federal jury will select the federal winner. There are valuable cash and prizes to win. The jury is next to the drug commissioner Mortler and the musicians of the band „Luxuslärm“. The German pop rockers appeal to the young people: „When drinking alcohol is important that you clearly know its limits. No party may have the goal of being drunk in the corner at the end.“ (Ad)

Picture: Gerd Altmann