Protest against British drug law

Protest against British drug law / Health News

Threatening restriction of the availability of homeopathic medicines triggers worldwide protest


A draft by the UK's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) - the UK's Medicines Authorization and Inspectorate for Medicines - envisages a change in pharmaceutical legislation designed to prohibit manufacturers from distributing medicines that are not officially licensed , However, this regulation would also affect the majority of homeopathic medicines in England, as only about 60 of them are licensed. These funds should then be available only in hand sales in a few pharmacies, could no longer be ordered by phone or online and should no longer be administered in practices.

This planned change of the English pharmaceutical law is also relevant for homeopathic doctors in Germany! Even if the situation between Germany and England is not directly comparable; There is a tendency to apply tightening in one country to other EU countries. More and more often, regulations that may be useful in general pharmaceutical law are also being applied to homeopathic medicines in Europe, which often makes no sense since manufacturing processes, prescription practices and risk potential are very different from conventional medicine. The possible change, however, also has very practical consequences for the supply of homeopathic medicines in Germany: Several rarer remedies are no longer available in Germany and could previously be obtained from England.

Join in!
A small signature campaign by an English manufacturer is just growing into an international protest avalanche. Originally, 100 people were to be recruited for a petition to the competent committee in the English parliament. In the meantime, more than 14,000 people have signed their petition for the free availability of homeopathic remedies. In addition to signatories from the UK, there are now numerous signatories from all over the Commonwealth, from all over Europe and around the world. (Pm)

Also read about homeopathy:
Research on homeopathy called for
Study: Homeopathy is cost effective
Parents trust homeopathy
Anti-homeopathy actions stopped

Picture: Ulrich Schmitz