Prostate Cancer Treatment Radiotherapy or surgery Doctors should bring a lot of experience

Prostate Cancer Treatment Radiotherapy or surgery Doctors should bring a lot of experience / Health News
The diagnosis of prostate cancer is a shock for those affected. Determining the right treatment then requires a lot of experience. Therefore, patients should pay particular attention to choosing doctors. She decides on the chances of recovery.

Active monitoring, radiation or surgery - the question of the best treatment for prostate cancer depends on factors such as age and stage of the tumor, as well as personal preferences. No matter which therapy patients choose, they should look for a doctor who has a lot of practice in it, as the health magazine "Apotheken Umschau" writes.

Image: Henrie-fotolia

Radiation therapy is "also a craft, which depends on the experience of the doctor," emphasizes the medical director of the Department of Radiotherapy at the University of Ulm, Professor Thomas Wiegel. The same applies to surgeons.

Because surgeons have different degrees of practice, how often patients become impotent or incontinent varies widely. The German Treatment Guidelines recommend that at least 50 such surgeries should be performed at a clinic each year, or 25 per surgeon.

Patients should therefore look closely at the treatment numbers of the clinics. For those with prostate cancer, an active monitoring comes into question and what opportunities and risks a radiation or surgery for men salvage, explains the new issue of "Pharmacies Umschau". (Sb)