Professional teeth cleaning often too expensive

Professional teeth cleaning often too expensive / Health News

For professional teeth cleaning, price comparison is worthwhile


Professional teeth cleaning are billed very differently by dentists. This resulted in the current market check of the consumer advice center Rhineland-Palatinate. Thus fall for the treatment, whose costs are rarely taken over by the statutory health insurance or private dental insurance, between 40 and 250 euros - for the same performance.

Costs for professional teeth cleaning are rarely taken over
„The professional cleaning of teeth belongs to the individual health services (IGeL), which physicians advertise as an IGeL offer ", explained Julika Unger, health expert of the consumer center. „Patients have to pay for it themselves. "The dentists' fee schedule states that the costs are based on the number of teeth of the patient, the extent and the amount of treatment required, and the rate of the dentist's fee The majority of dentists charge between € 40 and € 250 for professional teeth cleaning, according to the study, at which, in March and April, 39 dental surgeries, 27 private supplementary insurance and 57 statutory health insurance companies participated.

Two-thirds of the health insurance companies surveyed pay part of the costs for the treatment. However, in most cases the patient must go to a specific dentist. Few coffers also bear the full costs, others only a certain proportion, which varies from 13 to 75 euros per treatment or year. Of the private supplementary insurances, there are 27 services for professional teeth cleaning with 126 different tariffs. Only five providers pay the entire costs for one to two teeth cleanings per year. 16 private insurers limit the reimbursement to amounts of 50 to 150 euros. Others pay only a small part of the costs or direct their performance after the advance payment of the statutory health insurance.

Professional teeth cleaning without verifiable benefits?
Many health professionals still do not see the medical benefits of professional teeth cleaning as proven because there is a lack of studies that support the positive impact on patient dental health. However, many dentists recommend performing the sometimes costly treatment every six to twelve months.

As the medical service of the top federation federation of the health insurance companies e.V. (MDS) communicated, only one study was found, which could give reliable statements about the use of the measures. However, this study also shows that an annual guide to effective dental care is sufficient to reduce the risk of gingivitis and to better care for your teeth. According to the MDS, study participants who also received professional teeth cleaning did not show better dental health. However, the treatment does not leave a lasting damage. „We rate the IGeL professional teeth cleaning in adults without periodontitis as unclear“, it says on the website, on which the MDS verifies the benefits of IGeL performance. (Ag)

Picture: Claudia Heck