Prof. Hillejan These are the thrombosis heralds

Prof. Hillejan These are the thrombosis heralds / Health News

Dangerous clots - In these thrombosis heralds, doctors advise you to take precautions


Around 100,000 people die each year as a result of thrombosis. This usually forms in a vein, a blood clot - also known as thrombus - which narrows or completely occludes the bloodstream at one point. It often occurs when there are already varicose veins or the legs are temporarily sedated. „Discovered early, clots can be resolved by targeted therapy and significantly reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism“, explains Prof. (Univ. Chisinau) Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and proctologist of the practice clinic for venous and terminal bowel disease in Hannover. Only a few know the risk factors. He explains when those affected should listen up and visit a phlebologist as a precaution.

Tense and difficult
At the beginning of a thrombosis usually tend to pain similar to a sore muscles and a heaviness in the legs, which often improve in elevation of the legs. A walk to the vein specialist provides information about a possible clot.

Warm swelling
Another sign of disturbed blood flow is swollen legs. Prof. Hillejan explains: „Due to dilated or thrombosed veins, blood accumulates at one point in the vessel and prevents backflow to the heart.“ Again, it is important to have the complaints clarified by a specialist.

Veins on visible ways
In the advanced stage of a venous disease, blood vessels on the legs appear blue and the lower legs feel very warm. In addition, providing a lying position relief, the symptoms for a venous disease and an increased risk of thrombosis and belong in the medical profession.

Dangerous bed rest
If there is a medical procedure that requires a subsequent bed rest of several days, the risk of thrombosis also increases significantly. The immobilization of the leg muscles, which acts as a natural pump and aid to the vessels during walking, severely stresses the venous system and promotes clot formation. For this reason, compression hosiery and blood thinning drugs are usually used.

Hostile travel companion: thrombosis
When traveling, slow-moving situations on long-haul flights or on the bus encourage the formation of dangerous blood clots. Added to this is the often narrowed seating position. „If the legs are bent at an angle, they pinch the vessels and disturb a smooth blood flow“, warns Prof. Hillejan. In addition to comfortable clothing then help a few steps in the aisle or wearing compression stockings. If there is already a known weakness of the connective tissue or varicose veins, in some cases even the administration of a heparin syringe is recommended in order to prevent thrombosis in the best possible way.

In addition, elderly people, obese women, pregnant women, women taking contraceptive pills, smokers and people with heart or diabetes are particularly at risk, and should therefore pay close attention to the first alarm signals. (Pm)